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Machine-readable passports to launch today

via www.jang.com.pk

All arrangements including installation of equipment and setting of required procedures have been finalised and the Authority will start processing MRP applications under the pilot project from today, they said. Initially, the project is being launched from Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore, which would be extended to all passport offices across the country, the sources added. They said after accomplishment of the desired results in the pilot phase, the Authority would launch MRP project formally in the near future.

The launch of pilot phase instead of full-fledged project, the sources said, was aimed at testing the equipment and identifying issues, which might come through the whole process. These include issues pertaining to submission and processing of applications, verification and other procedures. Ultimately the Authority wants to solve all these issues before going for launch of the MRP project for all citizens formally, so as to ensure that there does not come any inconvenience at the time of getting the MRPs issued…