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Pakistani Woman Named Glamour’s Woman of the Year

via www.guardian.co.uk

Mukhtaran Bibi, a Pakistani rape victim, is to receive a “Woman Of the Year” award today from the US magazine Glamour. The 31-year-old Punjabi villager will also receive $20,000 (£11,350) at a ceremony in New York’s Lincoln Centre alongside 11 other nominees including Catherine Zeta-Jones. “This is a story that I think is going to shock everyone who hears it,” said Cindi Leive, editor-in-chief of Glamour. She has given talks in Chicago and Washington and was named “person of the week” by ABC news. Glamour magazine’s previous women of the year include former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, pop star Britney Spears and actor Ellen DeGeneres.