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Pashto Music Gets Some Glamour


Among other creative works like Pekhawar Kho Pekhawar Dey Ka Na; Bibi Sherine, etc, reproducing a ghazal of prominent mystic poet Rehman Baba with video shots is another attempt to attract viewers in this modern day communication revolution. With the rising trend of giving new touch and remixing old songs, Ghazals and poems, etc, of prominent poets, Pashtuns associated with the field of music and production have also joined the race and introduced glamour in the otherwise traditional Pashto music and art. Wali Khan, resident of Landi Arbab is a poet and follower of Rehman Baba. In the video, he has been depicting as Rehman Baba sitting on the bank of Bara Khwar near Bahadur Kaley.