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Pakistan Bow Hunting Season Features Swiss Archer

via www.dawn.com

Mr Lau, who has hunted approximately 20 animals in North America, Central Asia and Australia, had a passion for conservation of wild animals and in this regard he had also given donations to different organizations…. hunting permits are auctioned to both local and foreign hunters and the revenue generated from the sale of permits is spent mostly on development of communities protecting the animal… four permits were sold at the rate of $52,000 per animal. This is the first time that we have allowed bow hunting, which we hope will make the hunting of Markhor (wild goat) more adventurous and attract more foreign hunters. The hunting of Markhor is allowed in Pakistan under the trophy hunting programme launched with the permission of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna for conservation of the animal through involvement of communities, according to Dr Malik.