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Singapore Archer at Pakistan Wild Hunt Not So Lucky

via www.dawn.com

He tried his luck in the pastures of Gahirait village, some 48km from here, for two days but without success. He then used his rifle and shot the animal finally. The hunted markhore is said to be nine-years-old and measured 39 inches. A Singapore hunter who wanted to hunt a Kashmiri markhore with bow and arrow and paid $55,000 fee for the purpose failed in his bid. Mr Wayne Lau obtained this year’s hunting permit from the wildlife department. He arrived in Chitral last week to hunt the rare species with bow and arrow. He tried his luck in the pastures of Gahirait village, some 48km from here, for two days but without success. Mr Lau said on Thursday he had been hunting in the forests of America and Africa and was not used to the hard and rough terrains near Chitral where markhore is found.