Pakistan Opinion Blog


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By Musa Ghaznavi

I think it is high time for Pakistan to try democracy because everything else failed.

To the present system I have a new term that is Corruptocracy. If this prevails with the help of glutton politicians, the poor masss will go on suffering.

We need a person like Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who can bring an educational revolution in Pakistan with the help of all stakeholders of Pakistan. Protest only won’t bring a change.

What people need is free education whether by a formula like EACH ONE TEACH ONE or any other.

  • Hassas

    Imran khan is the new Sir Syed Ahmed of Pakistan, an honest, loyal, patriot and have many things already done for Pakistan before coming to Politics. He is the one who can crush ” CORRUPTOCRACY” in Pakistan.

  • Khalil

    Why does Pakistan always look at “personalities” for leadership? Are the people of Pakistan really that vain that they must always associate themselves with a “name”. I’m sure that the majority of Pakistanis are honest, loyal and patriotic and are just as eligible for election. However it would appear that the political mafia have such a string grip through propagating dynasties that it will take a miracle or revolution to bring about a substantial change.

  • PPP3

    Asif Ali Zardari is the new Butto of Pakistan, an honest, loyal, patriot and have many things already done for Pakistan before coming to Politics. He is the one who can crush ” CORRUPTOCRACY” in Pakistan.

  • Iqbal Yousafzai

    I also support Imran Khan to some extent as he looks not only fair and honest but also a man of action. But the problem is that in the socalled democratic system where majority is called authority it is out of question that sincere and honest individuals will come to power to bring about dynamic changes in the system for the good of a common man.