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A message to Musharraf, Buhtto and Sharif
Author: Aftab M
The next few months will be extremely crucial for Pakistan�s territorial integrity and overall solidarity as a nation. The interaction between the three main players- Pervez Musharraf, Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif will determine whether Pakistan continues its march toward the economic progress or gets bogged down in an endless tug of war between the contending parties.

Of the two scenarios presented above, the latter will spell a disaster for the country that has remained mired in political chaos since its independence.

Despite their past animosities, it is about time that they buried their hatchets and sought reconciliation for the good of the country. Under the circumstances, they are the only ones who can save Pakistan from the scourge of growing terrorism and religious fanaticism that casts its pall over Pakistan. With the exception of Quid-e-Azam and Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, each and every Pakistani President and Prime Minister has proven to be incompetent and corrupt to the nth degree.

Most of them sought power for their personal profit and aggrandizement rather than the well being of their countrymen. Unfortunately, Benazir Buttho and Nawaz Sharif top the list in that category. However, the fate has given them yet another chance to undo the wrongs of the past by working together. They must work together to save the country from the threats that it is presently faced with from within and without.

The best they can do for the country is to stop condemning the army or Musharraf for that matter. Since the goal of the three key players - Musharraf, Bhutto and Sharif - is to fight the forces of destruction and keep Pakistan steadily on the road to recovery, they should form a coalition government by letting Musharraf keep the position of the President, should he retain it through the upcoming election.

As for Bhutto and Sharif, they could assume the roles of Prime Minister and the key Cabinet Minister depending upon the result of the general election to be held in January. Even though it will take a great sense of magnanimity, courage and forgiveness on their parts to work together, they have no other choice.

Failing to do so will plunge the country into turmoil the likes of which Pakistan has never seen before. One of the possible outcomes of the discord between the three could result in a bloody civil war that could lead to further breakup of the country; an outcome, no patriotic Pakistani could ever dare imagine. musharraf bhutto sharif