A Writer's Agony
What an agony, a writer's agony...
Until the writer did not record history many unknown tales and ancients have been lost in time. Even the religions have scriptures or manuals to follow. Learning by reading the writer, world moved, masses have been converted, wars have been initiated, empires have fallen and stood, peace have been restored and above all perceptions have been changed. Once the literature is subject to harassment, manipulation or complete destruction, the record is gone.
What an agony, a writer's agony...
Times are such that the world has shrunk, yet for anyone to notice, the troubled must scream. Only when the scream is loud and desperate muscled by violence or force, the masses come to know of its existence. The writer would write on piece of page for masses to savour upon, yet the masses, would stick to screams and visual appeals rather than reading and learning from what writers write, giving parallel view of story or incident.
What an agony, a writer's agony...
When a writer writes, the mind is full of explosions of thoughts made up of opinions and self understanding of situation. Thousands of thoughts convert into words that mould into lines and when structured by writer, it becomes an article, story or poetry. Then the rules of full stops, commas, question mark and semicolons are to be used while writing, so to make sense, yet none of the thoughts really have full stops and grammatical laws since each thought links to another. Each word comes and is placed by the writer in order of his style of writing. Once sent to publication or blogs or books, the editor makes amend.
What an agony, a writer's agony...
Some writers would listen to diverse opinions and respect any voice communicating. Keeping their own self behind the pen or keyboard, the writer expresses the voice of many, hence read by many. The great writers would adapt themselves like water, changing shapes yet trying to stay pure. Then there are some writers who would want to express self opinion becoming an imposition on masses just because it is for the ones who wish to scream only.
What an agony, a writer's agony...
Inspiration: In recent times the violence and cries for justice and rights have taken surge. Once, when there were small villages or communities, even an arrival of snake became news and people would come out and try to help one another. Scream for human is a superlative expression of either extreme fear or extreme joy. Unless and until a person does not appear on TV shouting, self immolating, crying and openly displaying suffering or joy, our masses are not moved. The news papers, books and history records whether be it online or printed, are ignored.
Learning through our given senses leads to reading and writing, there is no question about that, but only when it is written there is a record. The basic instinct of human to stay curious must stay intact, so as to train one's own mind for future coming ahead. pen paper writing writer NOT www.pakpositive.com