Administrative Success or Blatant Stupidity?
The government�s only purpose and sole mission since the beginning of March has been to somehow, by whatever means possible bring the long march to a halt. The actions taken by the government are a glaring example of its lack of foresight and the understanding the government possesses of its own peoples� psyche and its ability or rather the obvious absence of the same in matters administration of the State.
The purpose of the long march as defined and envisioned by the legal fraternity and now the political parties is to finally after six decades bring true,unconditional justice to the people of Pakistan. It, in no way, means a literal long march to the capital, its success lies in its symbolism while its failure very clearly lay in its literal success. If one recalls the last long march in 2008, it resulted in a shameful failure for the lawyers� movement precisely because no hindrances were created by the government, there was no crackdown, and the long march could only attract media attention for no more than 3 days before it quietly departed from the headlines. However the troika of stupidity (individually known as Asif Zardari, Rehman Malik, and Salman Taseer) have become the architects for the success of the very movement they so very desperately want to annihilate and in many ways have ensured that this is the last long march needed for absolute change in the republic and the final nail in the already beautifully decorated coffin for the triumvirate of stupidity (or was it troika, well you get the point now then don�t you?)
In his infinite wisdom, Rehman Malik has shutdown every city�s entry and exit point, which in affect means that a rally which would have only been concentrated on the capital for no more than 3 days as mentioned above has now become a nationwide protest and agitation against the government, and because of the suffering caused due our ever knowledgeable interior minister�s actions (or is it advisor? Well, another thing we remain confused about) to the public at large, the agitation no longer belongs to a �segment� of society but Mr. Malik has very successfully made it a nationwide movement where justice is no longer the sole banner under which the movement once stood but a multitude of reasons have become motivating factors, ranging from abject poverty to the unstoppable rate of inflation, from administrative corruption to infrastructural development, wrapped up in one word, the people (not just the lawyers) seek change, nothing but change, and this time they intend to settle for nothing less. lawyers march