All news channels banned
It's two days after emergency announcement there was hardly any source to know what was going on in the country. Still only rumours are moving form one cell phone to the other.
We have modified our website to provide news updates. The site is updates on hourly basis.
It has other useful links like GEO news, BBC Urdu Service from where you can listen and watch Geo News. Please let as many people know about this link as you can. news channel
An English saying goes "God only helps those who help themselves" but are we helping ourselves or those that are making it rich at our expense. Almost all political leaders are now life time heads of their parties disregarding any sort of elections within the parties, there is no form of democracy within their parties, whereas they claim to fight for the same. How could you expect them to fight for your cause when they dont believe in it at all. In my opinion I think its best that the channels are off, so at least we will not bother to know what they think, say or do.............