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Barak Obama: A typical Arrogant American
Author: Aftab M
While speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on August 1, 2007, Barack Obama warned Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf that under his presidency Pakistan might face a U.S. invasion and a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid if it did not comply with the American demands to shut down terrorist operations in the North-West territories.

He went on to say, "There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again� If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will."

Shortly after that, in his speech on July 4, 2007, Barak Obama lamented the tarnished image of the United States on the World stage. He said, �Never has the US possessed so much power, and never has the US had so little influence to lead.�

In the same speech he spoke of the misguided American foreign policies and impetuous actions that have contributed to the deterioration of America�s influence in the international affairs.

Whether or not he knows anything about the foreign policy, Barack Obama does know how to speak well out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.

While on the one hand, he bemoans the declining image of the United States in the world, on the other, he is advocating the same belligerent policy and actions that have brought America�s image into disrepute on the international stage in the first place.

No wonder that in the wake of his bellicose statement against Pakistan, he is being criticized severely by his own fellow democrats. He is being labelled by many of them as inexperienced and naive in the matters of foreign affairs.

The above threat to Pakistan by Barack Obama is nothing but a display of sheer arrogance that United States has come to be identified with among the nations of the world. By invading sovereign nations such as Grenada in 1983, Panama in 1989 and Iraq in 2003, America has proven to the world that it is a bully and the biggest terrorist of all.

Barack Obama�s portentous threat to Pakistan is an indication of the way he will conduct his foreign policy, if elected President in the next election.

Even though he hasn�t been nominated as the Presidential candidate as yet, he seems to be developing the same sort of arrogance most American politicians demonstrate in their conduct of the international affairs.

It�s appalling to see that he is trying to intimidate Pakistan by threatening to cut down the financial aid. If he only knew that America needs Pakistan more than Pakistan needs America�s financial aid, he would never make such a stupid threat ever again.

Pakistan has always been a reliable and strong ally of the United States. It is the United States that has proven time and again that it is an unreliable friend who only turns to Pakistan at the time of need. Barack Obama should rest assured that Pakistan can survive without America�s aid as it has always done in the past.

No wonder the United States is losing respect and trusted friends around the world because of the same attitude Barack Obama demonstrated through his hollow and worthless threats. Obama should never try to intimidate a trusted friend who has stood as a bulwark in defence of the free world during the Korean War, the Russian Cold War, the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and now the War against Terrorism.

Barack Obama is definitely ill informed about the actions taken by the Musharraf regime in its war against terrorism. He is also naive and ill informed about the vastness,and utter ruggedness of the North-Western region of Pakistan.

It is so vast and rugged that even the America�s most sophisticated spy satellites and reconnaissance planes have failed to provide actionable intelligence needed to go after the terrorist strongholds.

How could Barak Obama expect Pakistan to pinpoint terrorist strongholds in the vast mountainous region in the North Waziristan when the U.S. with its most superior technology and military force can�t even control the influx of illegal immigrants from the neighbouring Mexico.

Obama seems to be totally unaware about the fact that Pakistan has done the best it can to fight terrorism by capturing and extraditing top al Qaeda operatives and terrorists to the United States. He is also unaware about the fact that Pakistan has sacrificed thousands of its soldiers in their fight against terrorism.

Not to mention the deployment of 83000 troops in the region of North Waziristan. If he knew all of the facts mentioned above, he wouldn't have given Pakistan the supercilious warning he gave on August 1,2007. He did because he is an inexperienced and arrogant American politician who is no different from the ones we have seen so far. barack obama