Pakistani Bloggers

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Guest Posts

A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.

Remembering Agha Hasan Abedi

Irfan Hussain

Being the death anniversary of Agha Hasan Abedi 5th August will be remembered for many years to come in Pakistan's banking sector, educational institutions and hospitals. Agha Hasan Abedi, the founder of world's seventh largest Bank, Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) proved himself as an international ...

Pakistan Needs an Anna Hazare Too

Mahvish Tahira

Now this is some thing amazing coming from our neighbour this time. You tune in to news and you don't believe your eyes. I mean Fighting against Corruption and then on this level! Bravo!! Yes they are not as corrupt as us (According to ...

Misuse of language

Jawad Anjum

Language is our very means of thought and expression. Anything that influences it, in turn, influences our perceptions and, ultimately, our beliefs. 'US versus the world' in Dawn by M. Zaidi touched on a crucial point in today's media - and its relation to power. In ...

Doctors or Engineers Only!

Rabia Butt

Not a Doctor or an Engineer? Fine you are a loser! Love, Mom. What's with the desi parents wanting us to give in in only two professions, Doctors or Engineers? So I don't like maths I don't want to become an Engineer and by ...

Stop blaming the US for everything

Omer Khetran

"Violation of Diplomatic Norms" "We Reject US' attempt to spread bad character" "Gay and Lesbian rights are violation of all religions' laws" ... Those were some of the banners I saw on roadsides and well, I tend to disagree with all of them. ...

Ban the Model United Nations of Pakistan!

Scherzade Agha

What is worse: The so called democracy of our institutions or the stifling attitude practised there where the slightest attempt to gasp for breath results in slicing of neck? Being members of a so called democratic state that practices autocracy under the umbrella of democracy, where freedom of ...

Pakistan's VIP Culture

Karim Jawed

Pakistan's economic condition is severely weak but still the ruling class is living a lavish lifestyle. According to a newspaper report, The expenses of the President House have been increased by 12.88 per cent for the upcoming fiscal year. Despite tall claims by the government that it would ...

Honour Killings


The word �Islam� is derived from �Salum� which literally means peace. It is ironical that the religion which conveys peace and mercy for the humankind should be twisted and turned and its messages mutilated to justify a crime as horrendous as murder. Killing of any sort including honour ...

I seriously want to do something

Saeeda Mushtaque

I really and very seriously want to do something for my land, my people, for restoration of peace and justice, for re-building her international image, for her shattered economy, her suffering people, for helping her be what our beloved Quaid envisioned her to be,for eradicating corruption and the parasitic leaders ...

The Bitch Witch Aunties

Mahvish Tahira

I wish I were UGLY BETTY! how fascinating na! Just remove glasses, wear those IN FASHION coloured lenses and remove those braces and here you go! the Stunning AMERICA FERRARA! ;p BTW that was an abrupt start today! I was supposed to tell you that this is part ...

Littering in Karachi


Go on my friends, litter away. And you might just, litter your soul one day. Okay, if you're expecting me to apologize for that wonderfully lame piece of poetry, you're going to be waiting for a long time. Let me share with you, an experience ...

A Girls Parade Called Khota Parade

Mahvish Tahira

You guys must be wondering what Khota Parade is! well I bet you know it if you are the female portion of the society... remember what your parents do when they all of a sudden realize that "oh ! our daughter is really grown up now"... they get hysteric! yes ...

Moin Akhtar Lives in the Hearts of Common Pakistanis

Ali Faisal

Moin Akhtar, mention the name and it used to bring an instant smile on millions of faces, it now brings tears first but it doesn�t take the smile very long to win the battle eventually. I knew about his sad demise via SMS and like millions, hoped that this was ...

Beginning to Accept Cricket as a Game

Z Saeed

63 years of cricket and Pakistan nation, an emotional and sensitive relationship. A win makes entire nation delighted and a defeat leaves them annoyed and aggravated. Especially when it comes to India, defeat is not acceptable, match fixing allegations are common, angry protesters storm the team with mouldy ...

Pakistani Blonde Women


When in Pakistan I was exposed to the booming television industry. Contrary to the popular western image of Pakistan being a 'third' or what's the politically correct terminology these days, being a 'developing' nation, people in Australia are bombarded with image of poverty and the Taliban ruling the streets. ...