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Facebook has overwhelmed our lives!
I quickly clicked 'log out' and ran off to the kitchen to check my chicken karahi which I was cooking and gasped when I stood up on my toes and looked into my stove. Eeeh! Burnt Chicken will be served for lunch today.

I glimpsed at the clock: 02:30 pm, gosh, there was no time for another karahi. Only one thing could be done, I swiftly ran off to the freezer and took out frozen shami kebabs. I'd fry these and serve 'daal moong' with them I hurriedly thought. I hastily fried kebabs on one stove and made rotis on the other. We had lunch at 03:00 pm.

Facebook gobbled up all of my chicken karahi. I was so into Facebook that I overcooked my 'haandi' and wasted it. Facebook has over-whelmed our lives ever since social networking came into being.

Life has got all busy with friends and people instead of hanging out, Viber, Whatsapp, Skype, Facebook, Twitter have come in handy now a days with the new gadgets like tablets, android phones have made all this just a few touches away. Now photo-sharing has also become as easy as ABC, you can watch videos, pictures, get to know your friends' babies living abroad and what not.

It has become an electronic era where you don't have time to meet up , but have ample of time to waste on social networking websites, uploading pictures, regularly updating your profile picture and spending hours in front of the screen.

Not to mention, though these websites have lots of positive usage. You can get to know about your sister who is miles away from you and just a few clicks away and you can holiday countries and get to know about remote places where you can't reach or don't have enough expenditures to spent on a trip. There are a numerous advantages to these websites but on the contrary, more negative aspects.

Usually young minds get carried off by these websites. Making friends has become an up-to-the-minute trend in our society and these websites have a bold role in this regard. And, all 'happily ever after' tales start from here and well even 'happily-ended-thank-God' stories begin from here as well.

We have become a fake society. We try to make strong relations with people far from our reach, but, those who are near to us and more important, are neglected and get annoying if they try to disturb us in our social networking time. For instance, last night when everyone was on bed and already asleep, I had cleaned the kitchen and was switching off the lights.

This was one side of the bad story which I told you, and the other part which effects us housewives is wasting ample of time on Facebook and not giving time to our dear husbands or moms and devoting our free-time to sharing pictures and uploading videos on the web.

I suddenly remembered I had uploaded some pictures of me and my son on Facebook, there must've been a number of likes and a few comments on it. I wanted to see the progress, I quickly went to my room, unplugged the charger off from my tablet and switched it on and began enjoying. After a couple of minutes of leisure, my husband woke up, saw me and gnawed his teeth and began snoring again. I became uneasy and quickly switched it off and pulled covers and went to sleep.

Last, but not the least, I want to give a message to all the people out there like me wasting their precious time, that give time to your near and dear ones, social networking has its own benefits, use them in a way that it doesn't affect your lives or ruin it. May Allah (S.W.T.) show us the right way to spend our time in the best possible way - Ameen.

facebook friendship