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Freedom is an Illusion
Author: Rabbia
The ideals of freedom you are taught in your childhood based upon which you plan your future in your teen age are your assets to equip yourself to fly high and aim the sky as limit. Many may disagree but every human being rich or poor, religious or atheist, fundamentalist or liberal, each does face a situation sooner or later that shows life to be devoid of freedom in one way or the other.

Whatever progress mankind has achieved so far and whatever the innovations he has brought to life styles, there are few things that are still the same and he is unable to deny these boundaries and full stops that life puts before him. Man always strive for freedom sometimes ideological sometimes geographical and sometimes on personal front but admit it or not the fact is there are some laws of nature that handcuffs individual no matter how determined or for that matter how independent he is in this practical life or thinking..! And that is Why Allah has said that one can never escape His declared boundaries no matter how much force he may apply!

Since ever mankind is striving to invent ways to bring comfort peace and satisfaction in lives. Both the natural scientists and social scientists have tried their best to contribute in the wealth of discoveries and inventions that can satisfy and fulfil the needs of mankind and can give them more choices and freedom to live their lives. Common observation is that both have failed to achieve goals and there is growing consensus that they have made things worse than before.

The observation is that there is growing frustration resulting in suicides, growing depression and anxiety and more and more destruction all around the globe. The issue is that natural scientists are focusing on material needs and physical satisfactions and ignores the spiritual or inner peace that involves emotions and feelings. Today man has modern ways of socializing, advance gadgets, luxuries like centrally heated/cooled houses, cars, automatic machines and many more miracles of science and technology that are astonishingly improving day by day. Life is more dependent and enslaved to them as before. This is also the reality that in spite of all this man is more alone and isolated at personal level in this "global village".

The failure is also of social scientist and philosophers who are unable to develop a widely accepted and applicable philosophy of life that can satisfy human needs and can bring peace. the modern idea or philosophy of life is to set your soul and mind free and the preachers of freedom calls for boundless and unaccountable actions as far as it provides pleasure to an individual. This ideology has completely ignored the fact that is stated above that freedom is a lie and there are certainly limits and bounds that cannot be crossed. Since if each individual is allowed to satisfy his quest the way he wants then there is no question of justice, fair play and morality. Why then mankind ask for humanity and chastity and equality. This paradox of divergence in goals and the mode of pursuing goals have resulted in all the negative externalities the world is facing in shape of restlessness, depression, war for thrones and more importantly the anxiety at personal levels. The confusion about the purpose of life is taking mankind to more destruction which has no forecast end.

The dilemma is that all our lives we keep on looking for material success and run after achieving physical satisfaction with a sole purpose of making peace with our inner self and of having a satisfied soul. How naive it is to search a subjective thing from objects!

It is just like passing your time with something that is unable to reciprocate your emotions and feelings rather keeps your soul searching for more and better while in fact leading to worse and more anxiety.

The need is to focus on inner self so that you may not suffer from the shattering of ideals that you made as a child based on only attaining your material satisfaction. Transferring of morality and humanity as ideals instead of living a classified or luxurious life to younger lot is need of hour to counter the rising depression and despair among masses. sooner the point of realization comes it would be easy to design your course as its better to accept the constraints than facing them at a point of no return and falling prey to harsh realities of life. philosopher philosophy