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Hamid Karzai's Dreams of Attacking Pakistan
It clicked in a strange way to my mind when I read the recent saying of great Afghan Leader Hamid Karzai. It came as a big headline in different national and international newspapers/channels.

Some proclaimed the red line news with 'Karzai issues warning to Pakistan' and some with 'Karzai asks why wont West hit Pakistan'. A recent Afghan leader, who had no significance in Afghanistan, in fact in the whole world is issuing warning to a country in which 3 Millions of Afghan Nationals are already residing.

I was thinking if Karzai has forgotten What Pakistan did for his country in past. Afghan nation was dying when we given their nationals, a place to reside, a place to sleep, a place to eat, a place where they can buy property.

They probably forgot that it was Pakistan who supported them in a war against their enemy, when Russians came with their raised flag to invade Afghanistan.

A lot of us are unaware about the ever changing behaviour of Hamid Karzai, He the one who lives in a palace where just outside the door, several baby-faced guards stand in loose formation, cradling Kalashnikovs. Beyond the guards lie other government palaces, most of them empty and in various stages of bombed-out ruin. Beyond the palaces, twenty-foot-high walls.

Beyond the walls, the battered capital city of Kabul. He is the person who doesn't even have control of anything beyond his so called empire of Afghanistan that is ceased to few square kilometres, today warns Pakistan. That more seems like a joke to me at least.

Hamid Karzai twice nearly been killed after leaving the compound. Three members of his cabinet have narrowly escaped assassination attempts; three others weren't so lucky. Yes, it's bad for Karzai in Kabul, but it's worse still in the provinces�which remain, his sunny depiction notwithstanding, throttled by the world's largest opium trade, by warlords who have carved up the countryside into lawless fiefdoms, and by Taliban insurgents who never got Operation Enduring Freedom's message.

It's bad for Karzai, but it's far worse for his people, 70 percent of whom are illiterate and 25 percent of whom are jobless.

So he stays behind his walls and holds meetings there and probably he is subject to immense psychological disorder for which he is acting strange these days. But wait! No! this is not the first time he is acting strange, he has a long rich history of being a joker.

In last November's inaugural speech, Karzai addressed his "dear guests" � including Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, sitting in the front row � saying: "Our friendship with the United States of America is not limited to our joint struggle against violent extremists...

Rather, it is based on Afghanistan's long-term interests towards the consolidation of stability and tranquillity for our people in this region."

Referring to the United States as the largest contributor to his country's security, economic development and good governance, he added: "I am fully confident that the friendship will further expand."

Ten days earlier before the inaugural speech, In an interview with Margaret Warner when asked whether he had any doubts about the U.S. commitment to Afghanistan, the other Karzai said: "We keep hearing assurances from the United States, but we are, like, once bitten, twice shy. We have to watch and be careful, while we trust."

This doesn't end here, in fact it goes further when one of Karzai's biggest mood swings involved the U.N. efforts in Afghanistan. The interview with Warner came a little more than a week after the United Nations announced that it was taking 600 of its 1,100 international personnel out of the country after an attack at one of its guest houses in Kabul killed eight people, including five U.N. employees.

Asked what impact the U.N. withdrawal would have, Karzai coldly responded, "No impact, no impact." When asked, "So you don't care if they return?" the Afghan president replied: "They may or may not return. I don't think Afghanistan will notice it. We wish them well, wherever they are."

Ten days later, a different Karzai described the United Nations as providing civilian leadership for eight years in organizing international assistance conferences and coordinating the world's efforts in Afghanistan. "Afghanistan appreciates the role of the United Nations and asks for a strengthening of the role of this organization in the areas of agreement," he said.

Karzai's uncertainty was never refuted, he was brought in Afghanistan for the upheaval of Afghan people with expectations of impressive progress in country. As it was supposed to go in 'good feel story' like this. Osama bin Laden's protectors, the Taliban, now live in caves. Girls can go to school again. Women don't get beaten or stoned for refusing to wear burqas. Afghans can vote, and do. But I am afraid to write, the case has 180 degree flip to the given scenario.

"Regardless of how wonderful Bush said everything is in Afghanistan, we're losing ground there," says a top Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffers. "And we're going to lose even more ground when we replace our troops with NATO, which isn't up to the task of counterinsurgency." Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff at the State Department, agrees: "We're trying to do Afghanistan on the cheap. And it's costing us."

Such is the 'great Afghan leader' who is warning Pakistan with his country 'out of his control'. Karzai's effort to bring peace in Afghanistan is still pretty evidently seen by the experts as he is trying to deal with Talibans also known as insurgents in Afghanistan. But interestingly this is going against his ever fragrant gardens of his palace as minority leaders leaving Karzai's side over leader's overtures to insurgents.

The man who served as President Hamid Karzai's top intelligence official for six years has launched an urgent campaign to warn Afghans that their leader has lost conviction in the fight against the Taliban and is recklessly pursuing a political deal with insurgents.

In speeches to small groups in Kabul and across northern Afghanistan over the past month, Amarullah Saleh has repeated his belief that Karzai's push for negotiation with insurgents is a fatal mistake and a recipe for civil war. He says Karzai's chosen policy endangers the fitful progress of the past nine years in areas such as democracy and women's rights.

"If I don't raise my voice we are headed towards a crisis," he told a gathering of college students in Kabul."

All that purpose of writing was that Karzai is losing in his own town but he seems very much worried about Pakistan. He still after 8 years cannot get control of Kabul but dreams of attacking Pakistan, he still cant walk freely in streets of Kabul, he faced three assassination attempts, he is still not allowed to go out of 'red zone' of Kabul but he still dreams of attacking Pakistan. Trust me that seems like nothing but a joke!. karzai