Pakistan is well aware of who is behind the Baluchistan Liberation army (BLA): it is India and India alone.
Therefore, if the BLA has claimed responsibility for the Karachi bombing ,
// , then it should be crystal clear to Pakistan who is behind the despicable carnage in Karachi: India!
When will Pakistan and Pakistani people realize that Indian Low intensity war inside Pakistan, in Karachi, in Baluchistan, and elsewhere is the root cause of the mayhem, bombings, and terrorism that is slowly but steadily bleeding Pakistan to death? India now speaks of peace with Pakistan, but behind the smiles and handshakes, India continues in its efforts to destroy Pakistan from within,
//, as a frontal Indian assault against Pakistan is a virtually impossibility. Pakistan can well take care of India against Indian overt nuclear or conventional blackmail of Pakistan.
Let there be no doubt about who is carrying about religious and sectarian killings inside Pakistan.
Indian low intensity war against Pakistan continues unabated. And, now India is targeting places of worship such as Mosques and Churches inside Pakistan. Pakistan, if it wishes to survive will need to go after the estimated 100,000 India long term RAW agents that India has successfully implanted inside Pakistan since 1968, when RAW was first established to specifically target Pakistan.
// India?s latest low intensity war targets inside Pakistan are now simultaneously targeting economic assets of Pakistan, such as the Sui Gas Field processing plants and gas and oil pipelines in Baluchistan State,
// // and attacking Shia Muslims of Pakistan, particularly Shia Muslims of Gilgit and Skardu region of Pakistan.
Thus, India, contrary to whatever pacifist rhetoric it may employs in the peace initiatives and meetings between India and Pakistan, has not abandoned its original quest to destroy Pakistan from within. The Indian low intensity warfare against Pakistan has not ceased.
// Mr. Musharraf has failed to protect Pakistan from the Indian low intensity warfare. India has now started a weekly bombing campaign inside Pakistan, and is periodically targeting Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims of Pakistan in order to initiate a civil war inside Pakistan. Mr. Musharraf has failed to organize a concerted counter terrorism operation inside Pakistan to apprehend the estimated 100,000 Indian agents and provocateurs that India has successfully implanted inside Pakistan since 1968.
This failure to appraise the Pakistani people of the reality on the ground, failure to detect the Indian agent penetration of Pakistan and the bigger failure of liquidating the Indians now on Pakistani soil should constitute grounds for dismissal of the dictator Musharraf. Mr. Musharraf, you have failed as the President of Pakistan. Please step down and resign!
Poor, poor, Pakistanis! They are being killed weekly by the highly coordinated and planned bombing campaign by India,
// But they do not even realize who is behind murdering them. Pakistani government has failed
To detect, apprehend, and liquidate the 100,000 Indian agent provocateurs and intelligence operators who are creating the havoc and mayhem inside Pakistan.
India continue in its low intensity war against Pakistan, and is now specifically targeting Sunni and Shia Muslims alternately, in hopes of triggering a civil war within Pakistan,
// Pakistani intelligence, particularly the ISI, military police, rangers, and counter intelligence services have failed to thwart Indian covert operations within Pakistan. It is estimated that there are at least 100,000 Indian agent provocateurs that India has successfully implanted within Pakistan in the last 35 years, since 1968 when RAW (research and analysis wing of the Indian spy agency) was specifically created to target Pakistan.
Pakistan will have to mount a massive counter-operation to liquidate the 100,000 Indian agents now operating on Pakistani soil. Not one Indian agent now inside Pakistan must be allowed to escape alive from Pakistan, see
// India continues to kill Pakistanis with abandon
// When will the Pakistanis realize India continues in its low intensity war against Pakistan?
Just like the Indians had conducted low intensity warfare in East Pakistan through Mukti Bahini, who were in fact Indian covert agents in the guise of Bangla freedom fighters, India is now inflicting death upon the Pakistani people in the guise of alleged Shia-Sunni difference.
Pakistani people must realize that in Islam all citizens of Pakistan are equal and full citizens of Pakistan irrespective of their religious affiliation. Islamic brotherhood and fraternity is based on complete equality of all citizens of Pakistan and the Muslim world.
So, who would throw a bomb in a place of worship and kill Muslims of Pakistan? Let there be no doubt that it is India and India alone that has the capacity of barbarity that knows no boundaries of civilized behaviour. Pakistan must go after the 100,000 Indian saboteurs and agent provocateurs that India has pre-positioned inside Pakistan in the last 35 years.
India continues in its low intensity warfare against Pakistan, and is now targeting Shia Muslims of Pakistan in Karachi
// India wants to induce a civil war type of turmoil and instability in Pakistan.
The Indian objectives are many, amongst which are to destabilize Pakistan, further dismember Pakistan, and show the Kashmiri Muslims (who are overwhelming Shia) that Pakistani people are anti-Shia and hence it is better for them to remain subservient to the Indian Hegemony.
Pakistan has to go after the approximately 100,000 Indian saboteurs and agent provocateurs that India has successfully implanted within Pakistan in the last thirty-five years, if it wishes to survive the Indian low intensity conflict within Pakistan. There is no other choice for Pakistan.
Pakistan and China are two brotherly countries that will always support each other in any foreign attack on either country. That is, Pakistan and China are two allies and brotherly countries who will stand by through thick and thin of International relations. Pakistan and China are NOT fair weather allies.
So, who would want to kill
// the Chinese on Pakistani soil? Let there be no doubt that it is India that wishes to see the Pakistan-China alliance come to an end. Because, once Pakistan-China alliance and defence pact between the two comes to an end, India would feel itself strong enough to attempt another breakup of Pakistan, similar to the one that India indulged in breaking East Pakistan in 1971.
That India has continued in its low intensity war against Pakistan is self evident from the following Indian attacks. That Indian covert war has not stopped despite peace talks with Pakistan can be borne out by the following facts on the ground:
(1) India continues to attack the Shia Muslims of Pakistan in order to instigate and initiate destabilization of Pakistan in order to destroy it from within
(2) Attacks in Karachi persist. It is a well established fact within the intelligence services in Pakistan that India had singled out the Urdu speaking Indian Muslim Immigrants who had migrated out of India, and who had mainly settled in Karachi. It is to an everlasting shame of India that India has targeted the Muslims of India in Karachi, who had forsaken their homes for their new home in Pakistan.
(3) India continues to target Pakistani Christians so as to disparage Pakistan and bring a bad name to Pakistan within the world community.
(4) India continues to target other soft targets in Pakistan in order to cause maximum damage to Pakistan?s economy.
(5) India continues to attack police stations and security personal in Karachi
(6) Killing Chinese Engineers and Chinese people on Pakistani soil, such that Pakistan-China alliance is shattered
(7) India periodically bombs either Shia affiliated Mosques or Sunni affiliated mosques, so as to initiate a civil war within Pakistan, pitying one Muslim sect against another Muslim sect within Pakistan.
( India has started hitting economic targets of Pakistan, such as the oil and gas facilities and pipelines in the Baluchistan state of Pakistan. The Sui Gas filed attacks is just the most recent example.
Thus, it should be clear to the Pakistani planners, government and army and intelligence personnel that India has not had a change of heart but only a change of tactics. Now the Indian government will talk peace and friendship in face to face meetings with Pakistan, but sabotage Pakistan through it covert and low intensity war against Pakistan.
Pakistan must remember that India has already pre-positioned an estimated 100,000 Indian agents and saboteurs, terrorists and agent provocateurs inside Pakistan in the last thirty years. See,
// It is imperative for Pakistan to locate and liquidate each one of the Indian agents who are now resident on Pakistani soil if it wishes to preserve its peace and sanctity. Not one Indian agent of the estimated 100,000 now on Pakistani soil should escape alive from Pakistan.
It is true that since the inception of Pakistan, the Indian supported the BLA due to their stance of breaking away from the Muslim League. But let us not forget that even the Indian Congress Party had a very tough time breaking through to the Baluchis and the Pashtuns.
They have always been avery patriotic and robust group of individuals and to say that they will relax their ambitions just because Paksitan is a fellow Muslim brotherhood nation is plain ludicris. So Pakistan should stop being a racist nation and give the Baluchis something in return for thier loyalty instead of just discriminating them like they did to the Bangalis in 1971...and we all know what happened then.
Furthermore, to get to the real issue...the last thing India is concerned with is to sabotage Pakistan's energy supply. Beleive it or not Pakistan has missed the bandwagon and in the coming 3-5 years India and China will become more powerful economically and politically than ever imagined in Pakistan's wildest dreams.
However, their growth is dependant on Oil which has to be linked via IRAN through Pakistan. Your nation does not have much of Oil, so it has to instead act as a transit authority for India. So do you really think that they will like to blow up their own life lines?