Interfering in the affairs of Pakistan
Yesterday I saw news that King Abdullah of KSA will host an Iftar dinner in the "honor" of Pervaiz Musharraf. There is also news that he may be residing in KSA for times to come. What kind of joke is this? Our "sacred" khadim ul harmain al sharifain is always busy in either rescuing Pakistani politicians, now dictator or Ethiopian dictator etc. etc. They enjoy the sacred status among Muslims mostly due to their wealth not piety. They are one of the most corrupt people on the face of the earth and hide themselves behind the veil of Islam. This is enough. Who are they to interfere in the affairs of Pakistan, they should keep themselves out of this. But I think this is due to the fact that they act like slave of western powers and whatever they are told to, they act dutifully. Hateful and Pathetic. saudi arabia
After reading the above above news article, I am convinced that USA will pressurize Pakistan Govt. as well as private news networks to keep silent on the illegal activities of USA/Blackwater in Pakistan.
In order to neutralize the hatred of Pakistanis, USA should address the concern of Pakistani citizens. I am surprised that USA is pressurizing the private news networks by directly writing letter to them.