It's time for Pakistan to pay the price
There's an old saying, it goes something like this "You reap what you sow" and it couldn't be more true than right now. Pakistan created the Taliban to create chaos and destruction in Afghanistan and today all the Pakistanis must pay the price.
Swat is now under the control of the Taliban and sharia law, before long, the same Talibs will move to Peshawar and slowly but surely the entire country will be consumed by these barbaric people. Taliban are not Muslim as they claim to be. Everything they've done is in direct contradiction to the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) and the holy Quran.
Pakistanis thought that by supporting the Taliban and the terrorist Al Qaeda, they would take over Afghanistan but they forgot one important lesson from history, Afghanistan can never be taken over. Afghans have over 5000 years of history, Pakistanis have only 50.
Afghans are a proud race and hardcore nationalists who at times of war will always unit.
Look at Pakistan right now, it's headed towards destruction. I couldn't be more happy. I want the Pakistani to feel the pain and suffering of living under the Taliban rule. Your days of blogging and going on-line is numbered because as soon as the fool Talibs take over, internet will be history in your country. taliban swat
Why is that so ....................?