Last Test and differance Between India & P
WHAT KARACHI AND SINDH PITCHES has in this part of year and Others don't.
The Pakistan team has shown its true colours, and slapped badly its own board who gave them dead pitches on previous two occasions and killed the spirit of game, if we had sporting wickets in last two Test matches before this one ,Boys must have performed lot more than this.
Actual problem is in Mind of Board officials they are afraid of loosing from Indians and certainly Shariyar khan must be seeing his job lost if they had lost a match!.
In last test there were two factors one Weather and other quality of bowling that we have. In this part of year mostly Punjab and Northern Pakistan is in grip of heavy Cold while Sindh has a moderate climate and Karachi and Hydrabad has allways given swing, turn and result, remember last matches played in Hyderabad and Imran demolished giants like wishwanath and Zaheer did same to Bedi and his quarter of Indian spinners!
Second reason was Bowling India is yet to have a Quality and genuine Fast Bowler, while Pakistan has enough to donate a few to India too if friend ship progresses!!Indian Fast bowlers are at the most Medium pacers and lake venom which uproots the stumps of Sehwag or Tendulkar like GILLI Of Danda fame!!If Pakistan had Sami included in pace attack they should have lost earlier but all marks to Razzaq and Asif and lost catches of Shoaib and Danish.
Indian has to re think his cricket strategy they have to get rid of Rocks and Walls and Gods of Cricket and give chances to new blood and rotate the players fast, in my opinion Sehwag is a low class player who plays with cross bat and is a player of one day standard game not a test player..and ganguly has played his game two years back.
If PCB give matches frequently to Karachi and Hyderabad in winters they have Good chance of Wining on lively pitches. cricket