I am probably sitting at the most luxurious place on Earth I can be with my legs fully stretched, back resting against the pillow, fingers tipped to the Laptop; with some snacks placed on my right side and TV-Remote Control on left side and with television just in front of me; it does n't get any better when you have Euros coming off the air. Pretty cool scenario. No? But is this life that simple? Is n't it that what the old good men say as life is full of struggles, hardships and difficulties and those who overcome their fears eventually succeeds. To the faintest of the experiences I have had, I would probably agree as I had hardly reached my 13th Birthday before I left my home in order to seek my destiny and to my worse it didn't end the way I would have wanted but that's how life works. It tests the worst possible way it could.
A great scientist indeed said "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." You got to go and believe all happenings depend on all other happenings in an unbroken chain of natural law. It would be very pessimist for one to say life is a complete illusion . As it detests and demotes one in every possible way it can yet one stands-up, faces the harsh realities of life if he has the almighty will-power. "No matter how dark the tunnel is, no matter how long you have to walk inside, remember the reason why you have started your journey and most of all have faith that at the end of the tunnel, A beautiful city with brightest sun waiting for you" ,said Nishan Panwar backing the idea that "Sow the seeds of hard work, determination and endurance and reap the rewards of achievement, success and self fulfilment."
One concept of life follows the Epicurean motto which says "Eat, drink and be merry". Another says you got to believe in the art of hard work in order to enjoy the overwhelming success.Whatever one do its the desire and the will that persuades one to overcome the barriers of fear and achieve the very truth of life. Everything that a person goes through; it makes no sense to him at that time but at some point all of his issues, challenges and problems continue to show up and he learns from it, he grow through what he go through. Sometimes he thinks he's not good enough, he thinks he isn't tough enough and he does n't have what it takes to make the improbable tasks possible but once he overcome his fears and takes a deep look at the inside of him he discovers something no other man on land posses, he sees what no other man see; he sees in himself a burning flame of light to break the barriers and reach for the stars. That's what one can do if he really knows what he's got.
Some people we see around would say, I love myself. But do they really mean what they say? Do they really love themselves? Do they satisfy these questions: How much time they spent working on themselves, on their dreams? In last 80-90 days or an year how many books have they read or what new skills or knowledge have they acquired? What kind of investment have they made in themselves? How much are they committed to themselves? A lot of people we see around tend to go home, say to themselves okay I am gonna take some rest and do the work tomorrow. Now this negative attitude builds the guy what they eventually become.
In life failure is considered one of the most important aspect. Some say who never failed never tried anything new. Some say Failure is the best teacher. We have got loads of example from people all over the world overcoming their failures to mark their names on the famous pages of history; Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln just to name a few. So a wise man pretty rightly said "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
In life, the most aspiring thing one can do is to prove his worth. To prove your doubters wrong is the most exciting thing there is. And it can only be done if one has the strength and a powerful character to do that. If one wants to live a life of success; a life of complete success, happiness and fulfilment; one must find his purpose. Why he do what he do? We see in the path of success one will get tired; but if he knows his why it would give him an extra strength he need, an extra foot he need, an extra hour he need, the courage to do thing he wants so desperately. Finding purpose makes the complexities of life easy and gives an extra strength during the hard times or when something is holding one's self back in the path of his success.
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbow. Its a very mean and nasty place and no matter how tough one is; it will beat him to his knees and kick it permanently if he let it. Nobody hits as hard as life does. But it ain't about how hard one hit; its about how hard one can get hit and keep moving forward. How much on can take and keep moving forward. Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, an hour or even a day but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place if one quit however it will last forever. So I dare one not to quit because at the end of pain is success.
So here's a little advise, don't be afraid to fail. You can't always win but don't be afraid of making decisions and keep striving for ultimate glory. You won't always get what you want in life but the effort you put in that subject would n't go fruitless. As the most holy book of God Almighty; Quran says "A man gets what he strives for". Adjoin it with "Aim High" and keep your focus on the life ahead. Learning new things is the best thing there is. "A man is only wise during the time he searches for wisdom, the time he thought he had completely attained it he's fool." pretty rightly said by John Maynard.
As said rather written in my diary by one of my great mentors, " Three grand essentials to happiness in this life, Something to do, something to love and something to hope for."