Pakistani Bloggers

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Long live the Republic, and longer live the public!
The Long March is announced, the month of the march, eehrrmm, March approaches. America panics "Goddamned Pakistanis! instability does not serve our vested interests!" Uncle Sam calls the big brother (Kiyani ofcourse, not Zardari, not by a long shot) to capitol hill. 10 day trip, endless briefings, numerous insrtructions.

Descends upon us the weekend before the Long March, 12th March comes and the crackdown starts. Lawyers arrested, provinces paralysed, protesters made to face the brunt of the security forces. the dawn of the 13th marks the beginning of arrests and detentions of political workers, by this time Imran Khan and other popular leaders both political and of the legal fraternity. The people are rising, America, The U.K and of course our deadliest Foreign agent, the Pakistan Army make innumerable attempts to intervene, My Lord!, Hillary Calls. Zardari does not listen does not budge.

Honestly speaking, by this time, the people do not care. A storm begins to approaches the capital, the storm my friend is the public of Pakistan, the spear which can pierce through the heart of any regime, headed by the P.M.L(N) leader Mian Nawaz Sharif, who defies all orders of his house arrest and with the tacit support of the Punjab Police he embarks from Lahore with a crowd so big that all are left stunned, especially our beloved symbol of the state (Zardari of course).

The man who did not succumb to the orders of the big brother or his Western Masters, succumbed to the will and the undying force of the Pakistani people.

His crony appears on national television in the wee hours of the morning announcing that the Chief Justice, the True, the Constitutional Chief Justice MR. Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has been restored along with all the other remaining deposed judges. chief justice