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Nature is Marvellous
Author: Rabbia
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous" ~ Aristotle

Life has become so fast and mechanical that we are unable to take out some time and wonder about the marvels of nature. The jewels of nature spread around us in all sorts have secret treasures for us. Even the cursory look can reveal the lessons nature has been trying to teach through its astonishing creatures.

The creator has asked us to observe and has placed signs for those who are intelligent. The man has been taught to bury the deceased through crow. The aero planes and the drones have so much resemblance with flying birds specially martin that carried the stones in its beak. The healthy way of life according to medical science is early to bed and early to rise.

Isn't it what the bird fraternity has been doing since known? Starting the day from dawn by praising the Almighty, spending the day in search of livelihood, finally coming back to homes before dark and closing the day by paying gratitude to the creator, such a simple and uncomplicated life the birds lead; man would surely be jealous of the peace birds have. Isn't the simple open secret of nature so amazing?

The world is so magnetic that man keeps on running before it. Isn't there a lesson in how stork manages his stay in water? Stork never let his wings get soaked in water where he remains stand by on one leg so that he may fly any-time with ease and with no extra weight. We can follow him by not getting soaked in this seductive world so that when the time to leave comes, we may fly lighter and easier!

The mighty sky which looks tremendous with sparkling stars has a mirage attraction for every beholding eye. The more man travels towards the sky the farther it seems and the desire to reach for the cherishing sight strengthens. Is there something in common with our worldly desires? Probably a lot!

Then the majestic creation of the creator of all, the bounteous ocean, has so much to offer to those who are acquiescent. It's deep yet full of all kind of life. The unexplored proportion is thought to be much more than the explored fraction of an ocean. The tidal movement is a startling sight to view from a shoreline. The high tides, cyclone and tsunami within the ocean generate a temporary impact on the surroundings. Once the disturbance is over, the things settle down and the ocean seems to behave normally to the viewer on the coast.

The whole process might have transitory effect on the outlook but the change made to the life inside is incalculable. The inside changes and hidden impact is visible only to the one living inside and experiencing everything or to the one who have remained connected to the underneath affairs and kept exploring the life deep under the surface of an ocean. Isn't it something man can relate to quite easily?

And we can find a lot of metaphors and symbols that nature has spread around so that we can spend our lives to look for them and to figure out the reality of life. The nature is so diverse that one can spend his whole life to explore the immensity and still leaves a lot more to be discovered.

But the secrets of nature are worth looking for; as William Shakespeare said,

"I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it."

The sun, the moon, the stars, the ocean, the birds, the seasons, the trees, the mountains and everything that nature has bestowed the universe with is splendid and spectacular. The most inspiring of all is the man himself.

The blend of good and bad, love and hatred, life and death, all just compels one to feel the one unitary force behind all this Who has made every single thing with purpose. The purpose is to facilitate mankind and to communicate with him in the natures own distinguished language. The nature wants us to listen to the unspoken words.

George Santayana, the great philosopher once said,

"The earth has music for those who listen."

Passion and desire are indispensable to listen to the silent music. Just a little sneak peek can give a lot of inspiration.

The mesmerizing experience of knowing about the real things around us makes us human beings. It keeps our soul intact and at peace. It relives the nominal tensions surrounding us. The need is to take a break from artificiality of this techno life and find the messages waiting for us. Look around for the marvels of nature and you'll never be disappointed.

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