Pakistan IS ready for democracy!
Some have argued that Pakistan is not yet ready for democracy. the argument goes that we are not fit to govern ourselves, and that only after a period of 'civilization' under the rule of a so-called enlightened despot will we emerge as worthy of political freedoms.
This, I argue, is the oldest trick in the colonial chest. this type of arrogant reasoning was fashionable amongst our former colonial rulers - it's a game as old as empire! It's sad when we Pakistanis start mimicking our erstwhile masters and prescribe the same solution on our fellow citizens.
the problem with Pakistan is not that we're unable to govern ourselves democratically, but rather than we need to empower and respect the existing checks and balances in our system of government, meaning an independent judiciary, supremacy of the constitution, the separation of powers (executive, legislative, judicial), a free press, and a robust civil society - all the elements that Musharraf has been crushing since nov. 3rd under the guise of fighting Islamist extremism.
when I say we, I especially mean the military, which needs to return to the barracks and follow the instructions of civilian rulers.
i realize how much distrust we have of our elected leaders given their past records of corruption and ineptitude, but this does not mean we throw the baby out with bathwater.
Instead, what Pakistan needs are multi-party coalition governments (like India has had) rather than single-party structures so that corruption of the political process can be curbed through mutual regulation and compromise.
if our aim at this historical juncture is to battle rising extremism that threatens the safety of ordinary Pakistanis and the territorial sovereignty of the state, then this needs to be done through representative institutions.
When controversial reform policies are implemented by an elected government it makes them a lot more palatable for the populace because representative institutions allow for citizens' interests to be accommodated in the reform process.
Unlike in Pakistan, where the unaccountable military holds the levers of power, and it's illegitimacy naturally makes people question it's austere measures.
the number one priority of military rulers has always been to enrich and bolster the military establishment, because it has been the main source of their legitimacy, and the only establishment that is able to ensure continuity of their autocratic rule.
Martial law has one internal fault line, that starts to surface the longer military rulers extend their unwelcome stay, and that is that they suffer from a crisis of legitimacy.
This compels them to build alliances to hold onto power. enter the religious establishment. the reason madrasas have flourished and religious parties have been either courted or appeased is because despots suffer from a crisis of legitimacy.
In order to legitimize their undemocratic and authoritarian rule, they either directly enable the religious establishment/parties (Zia, or else refrained from directly attacking it (Musharraf).
The morality police is given free reign as a result. such courting would not be necessary under democratic rule since the vast majority of Pakistanis are moderate. that is why religious parties have never won more than 10 % of the vote in national elections.
I concede that elected governments have also made alliances with the religious establishment, but only when they themselves were suffering similar crises of legitimacy (e.g. as a woman, Benazir needed the religious parties to first give her legitimacy as the first female head of a Muslim state, and later when corruption charges emerged).
In the end, only a representative democracy with built in check and balances and respect for the rule of law can lead to progress and prosperity for all Pakistanis. the alternative is martial law, and increasing discontent, and eventually revolt, precisely what we've been seeing over the past year. democracy
1.Pakisatanis have no unity they are totally divided and i mean divided ,into sindhi,punjabi,pathan,baloch,kashmirir,brahvi,sarieki ,moharjis and all will do each and every thing to put others down.Its a fact!aND Not only this calssification there are various others like upper calss/elite(beauraucrates),middle calss,lower class and this is serious one coz these classes have different requirements and they actually do not understand eachother and so elite cant do any thing for other classes ,they are actually in political business and will do everything to make sure that their children only replace them and no midle or lower worms reach there,U can see they have spolied the education syatem in Pakistan and their own children are studying abroad/.
2.Its very difficult under feudalism to promote education,living standards.etc
3.Army rule-army and their autocratic regimes ............... aaah (sigh)
4.Corrupt politicians. the constitution has been susupended.can any1 imagine that.
All we can do currently is like a drop in ocean,unless we alll stand up.Yes we can govern ourselves coz when country like india having these and much bigger problems are able to govern themselves .Y cant we.
I guess you don't live in Pakistan.And you are unaware of the political turmoil here.
Tke care best of luck