Pakistani Bloggers

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Pakistani Politics
1. Jun8-2009--clashes between lashkar and militants leave almost 11 dead as hayagay sharqi and other villages join to form a lashkar and fight militants who were bunkered in and also razed 20 militant houses in upper dir..
2. Jun8-2009--In maidan, lower dir militants torched 11 schools...
3. Jun8-2009--TTP and TNSM clash in mamond, bajaur leaving four dead
4. Jun8-2009--Military spokesman says all indian defence spending pakistan specific as they can hardly fight china and its small neighbours sri lanka, nepal, burma and bangladesh are too small to even figure in defence matters...he said that pakistan militaris huge budget Rs318 billion almost equaled development spending last year but has ended up 15-20% higher than the federal development program in which the government says it allocated only 189 billion of the 373 billion upto May...even that development is invisible as the government did little but fight terrorism... The armed forces budget is very inflexible and there is no interchange in resource allocations between priorites old or emerging...military should many suggest reallocate operational resources to emerging realities rather than remain rigid...for example if a bullet or missile or soldier or tank or petrol is needed more in malakand and swat than obviously it can be shifted from one ordnance depot/base to another...
5. Jun8-2009--military securing more areas in swat and caught suicide bombers, bombs in kohat , karachi and swat...4 militants killed
6. Jun8-2009--As the mqm refused to back down and waded further into another insurgency 10 are killed in seems as another war between the mqm-mqmh is on...teh mqm known to refuse plural ethnic politics inits areas...
7. Jun8-2009--karachi police to start a foreigner escort service
8. Jun8-2009--militants destroy school in darra adamkhel
9. Jun8-2009--two killed in mardan for violating a curfew
10. Jun8-2009--The punjab says women university and female medical college in multan not workable projects...yusuf raza seems to be only spending in multan using his personal powers to bend teh weak provincial chief minister...
11. Jun8-2009--Qaim ali shah wants provincial collection of sales would be unworkable as provincial governments would have to set up collection points at their borders...many suggest industries in karachi should pay sales tax directly to punjab for at least 60 % of the goods that they sell in should PIA and wapda /pepco/sui gas companis etc... politicians
18 Mar 2010 | 1167 ATTAKHAN says: Location: Lahore  Posts: 1
I believe that the judiciary of Pakistan is restored against the will of America because of a strong struggle of Pakistani peoples. This judiciary is not in the interest of present govt or not in the coming govt, as well as to the Army.
I feel there is a feeling against the judiciary in the above mentioned establishments, and they may take action against it.
Being the Pakistani it is our duty to safeguard the rule of law in the shape of judiciary of Pakistan.
08 May 2010 | 1218 Omer Hanif says:   Posts: 3
. . .28 May 1998 , Kohat Cantt. ,70 km SW of Peshawar: . . . Well it had been a hot day as usual, and I ,being the student of 3rd Grade and
oblivious of whats going on around, was occupied by plans of upcoming "Summer Vacations".But not ignorant to the extent that I may not even notice Abbu's "changed" mood.
So one thing was clear that "Every thing is not fine." Then the telephone rang breaking the silence of the room and I hurriedly ran to pick up the receiver....
"Hello. . . Asslam-u-alaikum, beta Colonal Sahab say baat krao. . .Uncle !Aap kaun? . . .Beta Kaho Rawalpindi say call hay. . . Ji acha!! " and I handed over
the receiver to Abbu.And the scene that followed,its still engraved in my memory .Abbu jubilantly said to the caller:"Sir ap ko bhi bohat mubarak ho" and then
putting the receiver back ,he literally smashed with his closed fist,on the bedside table and said to me with same jubilation"Beta agr aj Pakistan baqi hay to Dr. A.Q.KHAN ki waja say!!"
and after few hours the then only Pakistani news channel PTV broke the news "Pakistan. . .now world's 7th country nuclear power.The PM will shortly address the nation". . . . .

. . . 4th Feb. 2004 : Gujrat ,120 km East of Lahore:. . . . . It was a cold evening, and then Abbu said to me:. ." Beta T.V. tau lgao .Zara khabren hi dekh len....."and then
as I turned it on,the first channel that showd up was again the same state-owned PTV,with its peacock-feather like logo at the bottom right of the screen which showed a feeble man,in his late sixtees in a simple,khaki coat and dull glasses.
With dry lips and trembling voice ,as if being dictated by someone, he said : . . . ."O my dear country men! I seek your pardon, and I did all this in good faith. ". . . . . It was no other than Dr.Aq.Khan.

And the next day the newpapers made headlines "Not another A.Q.Khan". .Ryan C.Crocker. . . .with details :"Us ambassdor to Pakistan after addressing a seminar at Serena Hotel here at Islamabad yesterday said "We are sure ,after what happend to Dr.Aq.khan,there won't be another "Khan" in future and
that, he won't be able to enjoy any further the same God-like stature among the Pakistani people,he once used to do."

. . . 5th April 2010 : The Green Benches,FMHC,Lahore: . . . It was first day at college after the "Spring Vacations".Although a Physiology's test immediately
followed the vacations and mine didn't go well,but that day is going to remain special due to some other reason as well.Because after the college,We planned to celebrate Dr.A.q.Khan's birthday.(And this time it wasn't "I". rather "We" ).
So on my left I can see Kamal, narrating Dr.Khan's message,on my right I can see Anum slicing the cake apart(and later retaliating by "Itna Hi Men Nay Bhi Kata Tha "to those calling her "unfair " in dividng cake ),
right next to me ,I can see Ahmad trying to protect flickering candles figured "7" and "4" from being blown out by wind,I can see Akhtar,catalyzing the party in a style unique to him,
I can see Aamir socializing after almost a month,and the "gadget-guy" Hassan,as usual,trying to capture the"best-shot" . . . .Today I am happy,I'm happy because I can see an array of my classfellows,I can see many juniors joining us as well,
even some of the seniors have also showed up,and I can see all of them putting their testimonials for Dr.AqKhan on a chart depicting their love and regards for him.

I am so happy today,Mr. Ryan C.Crocker! I am happy because you were wrong ,Sir!You were wrong....

By Omer Hanif Janjua (student of medicine's 2nd year at FMHC lahore)

Note:Names have been changed with fictitious ones due to privacy reasons.
23 May 2010 | 1231 Omer Hanif says:   Posts: 3
Today I'm Happy because You were wrong Sir !!

. . .28 May 1998 , Kohat Cantt. ,70 km SW of Peshawar: . . . Well it had been a hot day as usual, and I ,being the student of 3rd Grade and
oblivious of whats going on around, was occupied by plans of upcoming "Summer Vacations".But not ignorant to the extent that I may not even notice Abbu's "changed" mood.
So one thing was clear that "Every thing is not fine." Then the telephone rang breaking the silence of the room and I hurriedly ran to pick up the receiver....
"Hello. . . Asslam-u-alaikum, beta Colonal Sahab say baat krao. . .Uncle !Aap kaun? . . .Beta Kaho Rawalpindi say call hay. . . Ji acha!! " and I handed over
the receiver to Abbu.And the scene that followed,its still engraved in my memory .Abbu jubilantly said to the caller:"Sir ap ko bhi bohat mubarak ho" and then
putting the receiver back ,he literally smashed with his closed fist,on the bedside table and said to me with same jubilation"Beta agr aj Pakistan baqi hay to Dr. A.Q.KHAN ki waja say!!"
and after few hours the then only Pakistani news channel PTV broke the news "Pakistan. . .now world's 7th country nuclear power.The PM will shortly address the nation". . . . .

. . . 4th Feb. 2004 : Gujrat ,120 km East of Lahore:. . . . . It was a cold evening, and then Abbu said to me:. ." . Beta T.V. tau lgao .Zara khabren hi dekh len....."and then
as I turned it on,the first channel that showd up was again the same state-owned PTV,with its peacock-feather like logo at the bottom right of the screen which showed a feeble man,in his late sixtees in a simple,khaki coat and dull glasses.
With dry lips and trembling voice ,as if being dictated by someone, he said : . . . ."O my dear country men! I seek your pardon, and I did all this in good faith. ". . . . . It was no other than Dr.Aq.Khan.
And the next day the newpapers made headlines "Not another A.Q.Khan". .Ryan C.Crocker. . . .with details :"Us ambassdor to Pakistan after addressing a seminar at Serena Hotel here at Islamabad yesterday said "We are sure ,after what happend to Dr.Aq.khan,there won't be another "Khan" in future and
that, he won't be able to enjoy any further the same God-like stature among the Pakistani people,he once used to do."

. . . 5th April 2010 : The Green Benches,FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry,Lahore: . . . It was first day at college after the "Spring Vacations".Although a Physiology's test immediately
followed the vacations and mine didn't go well,but that day is going to remain special due to some other reason as well.Because after the college,We planned to celebrate Dr.A.q.Khan's birthday.(And this time it wasn't "I". rather "We" ).
So on my left I can see the charismatic Azhar, narrating Dr.Khan's message,on my right I can see Anum slicing the cake apart(and later retaliating by "Itna Hi Men Nay Bhi Kata Tha "to those calling her "unfair " in dividng cake ),
right next to me ,I can see Rashid trying to protect flickering candles figured "7" and "4" from being blown out by wind,I can see Khurram,catalyzing the party in a style unique to him,
I can see Sheraz socializing after almost a month,and our college's papparazo Hassan,as usual,trying to capture the"best-shot" . . . .

So you see Mr.Crocker,people still consider A.Q.Khan ,a hero ....No matter you call him a "Merchant of Menace" or a "Threat to Global Security".So at this 12th Yaum-e-Taqbeer,I'm happy sir! I'm happy because you were wrong !

(Based on blogger's recollections of past 12 years,names have been substituted with fictitious ones for privacy reasons )