Pakistani Women's Muffled Cries
Tears trickled down her cheeks and trembled down her jaw line. She slumped against a wall, recollecting the agonies inflicted upon her. Outside, the calming moon was pouring tranquillity to every creature scrambling in green moss and heather.
Everyone was calm except Mukhtaran Mai. She glanced at her tormentors, who seemed immune to the calamity they had caused. Thinking of how her whole status had changed within a few seconds made her eyes brimmed with tears.
This is how Mukhtaran Mai felt on the night her whole destiny was transformed: the time she became yet another victim of male harassment tasted by countless women all around the country. Mukhtaran Mai became a victim of gang rape in 2002. However, the distant timing does not suggest that the scenario is any different now.
Even today, countless females are tortured by this brute aggression very now and then. May it be the illiterate fragments in our rural areas or the educated class living in posh areas, the molestation faced by the females is more or less the same. Every newspaper carries countless articles on agonies of the women. They are murdered at the slightest excuse. Men of the family beat them, tie them with ropes and humiliate them merely to satisfy their need to exercise power. Outside, females are still looked upon as objects of lust and have to tolerate constant ridiculing and jeering.
Many ruffians still think of whistling at ladies their prized pastime. It is because of these circumstances that even in the modern 21st century, most women are confined within their homes to protect themselves from this mockery.
However unlike the rest, Mukhtaran Mai was unable to bear this persecution. She stood up against her tormentors in a way which is worth a lot of praise. Contrary to what most oppressed would have done in an attempt to save their honour, the brave lady decided to deal with all her misery instead of hiding away. She received threatening calls, endured all sorts of criticism and even dealt with kidnap attempts. Nonetheless, her firm determination helped her get through it all.
Her constant toiling bore fruit and it was on 18 March, 2005 when the Government of Punjab finally detained the fourteen men involved in her gang-rape and finally, she was able to attain justice. Ever since then, the whole world has commended her bravery and today she has evolved into a strong social worker, striving to curb all evils of the society. But, the courage shown by Mukhtaran Mai is still alien to a lot of women. Even today, we females tolerate all this unfairness and remain quiet; fearing the consequences of raising voices.
Such discrimination strikes every nook of the womanhood and spares no one. Every other day we hear about abduction of small girls.
Fiza Waqar is a student of Lahore School of Economics and represents a huge fraction of aspiring women voicing out against this oppression. She says: "it pains me to see how this ruthless society of ours strives to engulf each and every female. My heart weeps when I think of how we are unable to protect our young ones from the evil clutches. This is my biggest affliction which hurts me 24/7."
Many female students have to constantly face these evils when they step out to acquire education. They are laughed at in class. Male professors ridicule their knowledge and jeer at them. It is even more heart-wrenching to hear of those unfortunate students who fall victim to the sexism prevalent in the society. Many students articulate very strongly against this harrying attitude.
Bakhtawar Atta Maneka is such an example. Currently studying in Lahore Grammar School, she considers it her utmost duty to speak against these evils. She says, "The society has been very primitive in accepting females. We have all those rights to lead our lives peacefully which the men claim to possess and the only reason women are tormented in this region is their aloofness towards their rights"
Our society claims to revolve around the rules which have been inscribed by the Islamic civilization. However these detached jurists seem to ignore all those rights Allah has adorned womanhood with.
They aim to confine females within homes where as the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) always decreed to encourage women in pursuing education. His famous tradition, "To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female." should be treated like a guiding stone by these persecutors who defy the right of education to women.
Despite the endless stream of Divine rulings prohibiting injustice against females, our customs are still inclined to resisting the betterment of women. Working ladies, still face the worst form of opposition. They are called 'un-Islamic' by people.
More discouraging is the fact that their own family tries to dissuade them from continuing their jobs.
Samar Iftikhar is a potential fashion photographer who is gravely moved by this deep-rooted discrimination. She says: "One thing I am unable to tolerate is this inequity between girls and boys. We females are equally capable to perform any task men do but even then we are always harassed, always ridiculed. I really hope that someday our nation would rid itself of these evils."
In times of such turmoil, it is a necessity for both men and women to strive together for the betterment of the country. Nonetheless, this objective cannot be fulfilled if the womanhood is not secure in the society. It is the duty of the state and society to provide security to women and accept them as equal citizens.
It is hoped that soon the sun will dawn on a Pakistan where women will no longer be oppressed. There will be no Mukhtaran Mai's striving for their honour and both men and women will be working in harmony to re-construct Pakistan.women mukhtaran mai
In my country, Pakistan, a woman is a teacher, doctor, engineer, actress, business holder, piolet, even having almost every rank of nobelity in society, but still seek permission to do every minor thing at home. Her father controlls her when she is young child, her brother controlls her when she is a young girl, her husband controlls her when she is married, her son controlls her when she is old woman. Can anyone tell me, what is her time? The time when she do what she wishes for. When she will get her rights in Pakistan?
I am a Pakistani woman who has been being controlled by her family by the time of even birth. I am graduate and doing MA ENGLISH but the misery is that i can not even go near the main gate of my house without permission of my family. Its my wish that i could go out alone but i think it will remain my dream. I never even cannot wear anything of my choice , i cannot eat, write, read even each and everything in life without seeking permission of my father and brothers. They are not bad at all but just followers of so called traditions of Pakistan.
Few days ago, i read interview of an anchor person whose name is Shaista Wahidi. She is doing a morning show on GEO TV. She said a very right thing that "Man is afraid of her wife. He thinks a woman only need money to live happily with him so he works to meet her expenses, and he thinks if she would go out and will do job then what i will do?"
This is valid statement for a man in a country like Pakistan and i am very much agreed with her.
When Pakistan will get free of these frustrating ideologies?????????
Will Pakistan never get rid of these ideologies? I dont have answer but i really wish, Pakistan get success in moral values towards women.
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