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Political Environment In Pakistan
Author: Armghan
After our great leader Quaid-e-Azam I am very worried about political environment.

After 1998 environment totally changed when President Pervaiz Musharraf Take charge as a leader of Pakistan.

He changed the leading rules people were happy but by the time passing as quote in urdu, political environment getting change.

In 2007 a tragic year for whole Pakistan we have seen many sad incidents many suicide bombers lose their lives and also many innocent peoples.

Total public against Musharraf. Musharraf breaks the rules of 1971.

All political parties stood against him. As 18 October when Benazir the chair person of ppp arrived after many years suicide bombers make their way and took many innocent live.After a few time months the incident again took part and took the Benazir from this world.

Its a sad incident through all over the world its a mourning incident.after this new trend took part when young politicians make their way in politics these are Son of Benazir is Bilawal,and the daughter of Mir Mrtaza Bhutto,Zlfiqar junior, and the son Pervaiz Ellahi is Mounis Elaahi.

And the niece of nawaz sharif and the son of Shehbaz sharif are taking part as politicians.what should be the political environment know?and how they rule the country like as their forefathers a new politics takes part?But its our prayer who ever going to rule Pakistan must be in fever of country. politics
08 Jan 2008 | 496 Armghan says: Location: Gujrat  Posts: 5
As politics of Pakistan is famous all over the world.As i am student of media we have given an assignment to make a survay all over the city and in our Gujrat University.I ask some questions starting age from 15 up to 70 and above age.due to my survey i got a point that every Pakistani is politician while he is younger or elder while he is illeterate or having education.If you start talks on politics with any aged person you must got points and very important points.I am talking about politics in Pakistan and i think politics is going on in every field while in buisness,in relations,in families even in sports politics what a great nation pakistan is how discusting nation.They now what to do in any condition.fearless nation nowing that how to fight in different situations.Politics of pakistan is much dangerous all over the world.
10 Jan 2008 | 498 Armghan says: Location: Gujrat  Posts: 5
Today again i hear again a said news.This is a sad incident in Pakistan a mourning situation happened.Oh God whats going on my country.iIam really worried about the future of my country what should be the future who will guide this country well. .Who will lead this country sincerely like Quai-e-Azam.I hate this politics.Pakistani Government totally failed to govern Pakistan.Goverment totally failed in all thier policies.One of the policy is security in Pakistan and to secure the public.So the policy of of security is tottlay failed and public is not secure due to these sucide bombers.Irequest these sucide bobmers plz for God sake why you are killing innocent people plz dont do that.this all credit goes to governmentWhy government is nor showing interest in security.As today bomb blast in Lahore.What going on this country.