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Shame Pakistanis Shame
Author: Wajahat
Finally, the Lal Masjid scenario has met its final destiny, fate, encounter or whatever you may say. Once agaian we have been completely; without a single blemish, been insulted in front of the whole world. We have, for sure, proved that we are not a nation by any international canons of law but a population of barbarians.

The khateeb, Mualana Abdul Aziz and the naib khateeb, Late Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi have purely misused the islamic way of preaching. But before blaming the Lal Masjid we have to look at ourselves first.

The Father of The Nation Stated;" My thoughts are with those valiant fighters, who readily gave all they had including their lives to make Pakistan possible." But I am sorry to say we all have gone on the path that's truly contrary to the vision of the Father of Nation.

Starting from the present situation; Lal Masjid militants indicate Pakistanis are extremists. Allowing foreign investors to invest in Pakistan to build brothels, Casino, Bars and whatnot.

Every now and then launching new TV channels, radio stations, vulgar fashion magazines in the name of enlightened moderation. Are we not afraid of the wrath of Allah Almighty. My one of the Muslim brother writes on this website on "sexy girls in Pakistan".

Similarly there are more examples of such embarrassing topics written portrayed in our society and our sold as new mobile software. We are still striving for freedom. First it was the British raj and now it is the vision of secularism. Our government boasts that it is spending millions of rupees on education but in my view they are just filling their stupendous fat tummy with fat educational aid.

Our neighbour to whom our all influential personalities refer by saying, "hamara humsaya mulk". This humsaya mulk dreams of becoming a veto power nation. It dreams to dominate every South Asian country. And no doubt they are going to make their dream a reality soon or very soon.Well there is so much to say, write and express but I am no intellectual or a guru who guides.

I am a philanthropist who is sincere with his countrymen. its my plea to the entire nation to break this ice of cold-bloodedness. Explode as a bomb and bring the revolution that the world has ever yet seen. It took 200 yrs to become invincible but it will take another 200 yrs to eradicate the title shame Pakistani shame. lal masjid