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Solar and Renewable Resources
Never did the creator of space and time say that earth solely was the responsibility of "environmental organisations".

It was not their fate to keep crying their hearts out over the worsening state of pollution; it was not their destiny either to keep lamenting over the senselessness of humanity and the swiftly dwindling sources of earth. The earth never solely was theirs!

When we share the earth with them, why not the responsibility?

The jewels of earth that we keep digging for a better life- coal, gas, petrol and all non-renewable resources- those jewels are the blood in the veins of earth. If we suck those veins dry, what better future had we worked for?

Man has used up more "non-renewable resources" of earth ever since the industrial revolution (post 1945) than all the resources ever used here ever since the birth of earth.

Now imagine the usage continues till the earth is out of all its jewels. Imagine a planet without petrol, coal, gas, trees and thus electricity. Yes! Imagine: one day you ran out of all earthly sources you ever exploited for energy!

Imagine the energy gone!


"Power gone"!!!

Your very first day without the lights, TV, mobile, PC, stoves, air conditioners, generators and what not will remind you what Terry Swearingen once said fearing such a situation.

We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.

Too bad you will find out she was just being sarcastic while referring to that other "hypothetical asylum". And since man knows ever since the dawn of common sense that crying over spilt milk does no good to any one- should you not take a more pragmatic approach to your life on this planet, right from this moment?

Welcome then to the world of "renewable resources" and let's focus on the best of them all.

This sun that shines bright on earthlings each day is God's way of telling us to not to lose hope after all. Each beam of the sun carries the message of "life-energy-power" and let's, by no chance underestimate the message.

Let's utilize each photon of those beams from sun (with thanks) and brighten our ways out of the depths that we are falling to with this energy crisis. Let's convert our roofs, sheds and useless land pieces to potential power generators and save earth from this anaemia of resources.

Let's work together for the happiness of earth - for in the happiness of the earth is the secret of continuity of life hidden.

solar power