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Swat - The Jewel of Pakistan
All we ever hear about Swat these days is in negative words. In fact, all we ever hear about the country is in the negative.

Me? I'm tired of it. But what can I do? I'm sure you'll agree that only thinking positive or writing a blog post is not going to bring about the change that we are all craving for and need so badly.

There comes a time when talking about things becomes redundant and it really is time for action. The pen can only get us so far.

But no, I'm not asking you to pick up your swords. Action means an actual, positive, sustainable exercise.

And turns out such projects and such people do exist.

Firms is doing wonderful work for Swat and in Swat in order to rehabilitate an economy ravaged by floods and terrorism.

Am I saying that because I am now involved with Firms?

It is possible. But any reasonable person would first look at the bigger picture and then make a decision about the right-ness or wrong-ness of anything.

Tourism is being actively promoted in the region by breathing new life into the hotel industry of the region. Yes, after the floods.

However, none of us have the awareness that things are changing - or even could change. Positive thinking attempts to become a positive action.

And so we have "Zindagi Hai Yahan". An actual step to let the world know that Swat remains the jewel of Pakistan.

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It'll make you wanna go there ASAP. It's true for me, at least.

A world of beauty Swat is; a place filled with joy Swat will be soon. Just needs YOU. beautiful swat