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Switch off the Unnecessary Lights!
Author: Aleena

Switch off the unnecessary lights! Why? It’s Earth Hour.

Earth Hour is celebrated across the globe to show love for our dear planet. In 2017, Earth Hour is being experienced on 25th March. People are requested to turn off the lights from 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

Let’s have a look on the history of the famous Earth Hour.

The Earth Hour is a step initiated by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The first ever Earth Hour was organized in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then, 10 years have gone and the concept now prevails in 172 countries of the world.

Pakistan joined these memorials back in 2010 and is taking part in the 10th Earth Hour celebrations. In Karachi, many significant buildings comprising Mazar-e-Quaid, Expo Centre, Chief Minister House, and Airport are participating in turning off their lights to express support, commitment, affection and devotion for our Motherland.

The idea behind is to create awareness among the citizens throughout the world. We love and care for our family, friends, relatives and neighbors. In the same way, the beloved Earth is our Homeland. We cannot find another Earth. Can we? Therefore, the Earth Hour is a recommendation to care about our planet.

None of us can live away from our homes because they are our comfort zones. They provide us with shelter and protection. Our homes have no synonym. We do not have a replica for our families. Can you imagine even for a second? No. Similarly, on a broader spectrum, we do not have duplication for Mother Earth. Whatever we possess, it is the Earth that we have. We cannot find life on other planets. Though, scientists are struggling to find a clue of life. But until now, we own the Earth.

But do we own the Earth in true essence? Most of us know the answer. Unfortunately, it’s a no. For this ‘no’ each year, one hour is contributed for our Earth. An hour is a symbol, message and an idea. We have to and we must expand and extend this idea for the whole year.

So, the next time the Earth Hour comes, we must celebrate it more proudly. Till next time, we must practice to care for our Motherland. When the time will come, we will celebrate the Earth Hour enthusiastically in the true essence.

Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived - Sidney Sheldon

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