This saying appears in many different forms, but the earliest version is probably that of the poet and philosopher George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
I cannot believe that the government has no idea what "appeasement" means - learn from history - Hitler took Czechoslovakia without a shot then went on to take over Europe, Africa, and parts of the Middle East - Do you really think that extremist criminals will be satisfied with Swat? Learn from history - destroy these criminals while you can! taliban www.pakpositive.com
But the question really isn't whether Pakistan should destroy the Taliban, it's whether Pakistanis have the WILL to stop them. The society is pretty split on that, whether anyone likes it or not. Don't forget that the movement called the Taliban was a result of hardcore "orthodox" Pakistani establishment in the first place. The kind of orthodoxy which does not even favourably look at their own Pakistani citizens - ie, Shias, Ahmedis and other minorities, or simply any 'corruption' to their own brand of ideology.
By the way I don't believe the Taliban can simply be termed "criminals" and conveniently categorized. It's an ideological movement of a much bigger magnitude, much bigger than any ragtag insurgents the Pakistani machinery is used to encountering (balochs, sindhi separatists and the like are a high school bully gang compared to the Taliban).