Tea Break, Coffee Break, Lunch Break!
I read somewhere here or there that Pakistanis need a break. Yes we do. Okay, so I don't claim to be a great writer or a great socialite (psst or even a great employee - don't tell my boss!). So I decided to take a break and write something that is meaningful to me like so many bloggers here. Haha, who am I kidding? So first I took a break from work, which I do after every 10 minutes - ahem!
Most of my breaks are broken down into various categories.
1. Tea Break or Chai Time
This is the most important break of the day. OK, the most important BREAKS of the day because I'm a tea addict!! Atleast 10 times a day!! Our chaiwala peon at work curses me in his prayers I can tell.
2. Coffee Break or Gossip Break
These are more classy. They are carefully planned and meticulously researched. Mostly outdoors with friends (Yes I do snort a sheesha here and there, don't tell my dad now.) Oh yes, also a couple of coffee breaks during work.
3. Lunch Break or Bunk Break
I love lunches. I mean I like to bunk away from work promptly at 1 O clock and sometimes my boss has to run a search party to locate the gang of absconding lunchers. What can I say, I love a good chicken tikka or McD's fries!!
4. Dinner Break or Scolding Break
These can be quite boring because they're mostly with a brooding and overly inquisitive family members. Okay mom cooks pretty well and dad's always scolding us siblings for something or the other, but still, I'd rather have a good hearty steak or chicken perri perri at Nandos with my buds on the weekend.
Yeah yeah, go on and say it "GIMME A BREAK, GIRL!"
Peace on Earth and Peace in Pakistan! coffee break www.pakpositive.com
After all, it is all about knowledge share!
Twitter / shamsmukhtar