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The Circus of Imran Khan
Considering the heights of desperation which has compelled Imran Khan to claim that he will either obtain resignation of Nawaz Sharif or will accept death, I began to wonder what would Pakistan be like after Imran Khan?

Many people might think that things may not deteriorate to the point where Mr. Khan will be forced to actually end his life (considering his unblemished record of U-turns I too think that he will refrain from doing so). There are 2 possible outcomes of current political impasse forced upon the country by Imran Khan.

  1. Nawaz Sharif, the elected prime minister is forced to resign.

  2. Nawaz Sharif does not resign.

Whatever the outcome may be, Imran Khan is set to die, the only difference is that if Nawaz Sharif does not resign, and if Imran chooses not to utilize his U-turn capabilities, he will have to bid farewell to this world, while if Nawaz Sharif resigns, Imran will face a political death.

Pakistan is no longer what it used to be back in 1980s and 1990s, the political parties have matured which is evident from the support that has been shown by the opposition parties for the government. Neither is the army in any mood to topple the government, they are preoccupied with defending the borders and national security. There is no doubt that Imran Khan was a superb sportsman and tactician, but his political career is marred with miscalculations and wrong decisions.

His repeated outbursts against each and every political leader of the country, has brought him to the point of isolation. Even if he succeeds in forcing an elected prime minister to resign, no political party in the country will choose to stand by his side, as no political party would want to align with a mob like political party that prides itself in unsettling a democratically elected government.

Coming back to my vision of Pakistan after Imran Khan's death, I believe Pakistan stands to lose a great deal in case of his death. Firstly, the dance parties which he has so proudly been organizing in the name of dharnas and jalsas, will no longer be possible, which means that government and the society will have to deal with brainwashed and desperate youth who have been trained to be impatient and intolerant. The society will have to bear with dis-oriented youth who have grown used to hardcore partying on the streets.

More than anything, the electronic media and some anchorpersons will be the biggest losers. The electronic media will have to come up with new shows to makeup for airtime that they have been unnecessarily giving to Imran Khan and PTI. The anchorpersons who have been acting as official spokespersons of Imran Khan will either be rendered jobless or they might have their employers out of the business.

For general public, the hourly dose of hilarious performance by an ever improving stand-up comedian will cease to be administered, which in turn will lead to higher level of depression among the masses, as Pakistani nation is already confronting many depressive issues.

Above all, the nation which has grown used to day dreaming, thanks to Imran Khan, will have to come to terms with the reality, i.e. nothing can be changed overnight and that the country and democracy needs to go through an evolution process to actually deliver what the masses dream about. The mob who has been convinced that partying on the streets and staging sit-ins every now and then can bring about the prosperity, will have to put in physical efforts for achieving prosperity.

In the light of all the above mentioned negatives that Imran Khan's death may bring to our country, I believe it is better that we let him die his political death and allow him to conduct his shows once a month in every major city of the country.

PTI should be granted the status of company specializing in circus performances. This will ensure that our nation keeps enjoying the benefits that PTI and its chief's performances offer while at the same time it will prevent PTI from causing the loss of billions to the economy of the country through its dharnas.

Looking forward to the official launch of PTI Circus.

imran khan azadi march