"Why some of the stars are brighter than the others?" She was looking towards the sky.
"It's all about your perception." The voice said.
"But my perception depends on the distance between me and stars." She was standing on a hilltop in seemingly secluded place
"Exactly; it is a possibility that a star at greater distance is not only brighter but also bigger but we are standing at a position from where we can see only the darker side."
"Some stars that seem brighter to me may not appear same to others." She thought while shrinking her eyes a little but not losing the focus. She was trying to solve the mystery of this vast sky where every star appeared similar yet so different.
"It's also about your focus; as it then becomes your priority and gains all your attention." She heard.
"Yes! This priority status makes it imperative and thus distance becomes meaningless," She had kept her focus on one of the stars and was nonchalant about everything else.
"Indeed! It's all about our self created priorities based on our own relative positions."
"True! It's all about our relative positions."
A silence followed. She was lost in the thoughts of stars and their relative appearance. She understood that it's the difference of positions that determines a particular observation. If a star appeared bright to her, it could not be concluded that it was in fact shining for everyone; rather it was her frame of reference and frame of references are not fixed in this universe.
She broke the silence, "Different people have different frames of mind at the same time; can their judgement about a particular event differ?"
"Yes, and because of this very reason a person can never truly empathize with another, even if both have been through the same situation."
She took a deep breath, "It's all about the difference in frame of mind, which varies from person to person when it comes to experiences of life."
She had found the answer and hence lost the reason to keep looking at the stars. Suddenly she started feeling the drop of mercury. It was a cold night. The wind was chilly enough to rattle the bones. The darkness of the night combined with the freezing temperature was enough to think twice for anyone daring to step out. But she was not anyone.
She checked her watch and it was just midnight. She came here after having her dinner about an hour ago. She was looking at her wrist watch and the ticking of the needles caught her attention. She had found a new focal point.
"All my day these needles have orbited around the axis at a supersonic speed. They were going crazy when I wanted them to calm down. I wanted to have more time and they cared the least. Now when I want the night to pass as quickly as possible, the needles are acting as a drunkard."
"So you want to say that there is some relativity involved here as well?" She heard.
"At least that's what I am observing - absolute relativity."
"You are not alone in your observation."
"I am. I am alone in it. Because frames of reference are unique for everyone and he is always alone in his frame."
She was again wandering in the relativity theory. She believed that difficult times seem to pass slowly for everyone but that difficult time is relative.
"Time is a constant, isn't it?"
"No dear, it's not. Time is a fourth dimension if you remember high school physics."
"Well yes, and this means that the time elapsed is different for a same event if it is observed from two different frames of reference."
"Very smart on your part!" after a pause of few seconds, she continued, "It's just like when we are longing for something the time appears to pass slowly; and when we want it to slow down so that we can enjoy a little more, it never agrees. This is all because of our different frames of mind probably."
There was no reply. She looked up and it was still dark around. The lights coming from distant houses had decreased in number. The place usually remained calm even during day time and a lot more quiet at night. This calmness had always attracted her for there was no disturbance during her conversations with her trustworthy.
She had found some peace. She unconsciously understood the theory of relativity presented by Einstein more than a century ago.
"I think I have achieved the right frame of mind." She smiled while taking small steps down the hill.
Again there was no reply; may be because a right frame of mind is again relative.