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The Taliban are Cowards
Taliban shooting a 14 yr old girl. What kind of cowards are they.

I salute this brave girl. The Taliban is afraid to fight a man hand to hand. They use weapons and hurt children and woman. They are afraid of real men.

Allah would spit on the Taliban for doing what they do. Alittle 14 year old girl they attack and hurt.

The Taliban has Allah's curse on them, they will burn in hell for their evil. How long will the cowards (Taliban continue there cowardly acts of attacking innocent woman and children?

How long will they be cowards to strap bombs on there bodies and walk into a crowed and blow up innocent people that have caused them no harm.

The only word for the Taliban is coward! Coward! they are not even part of the humans race they are devils from out of hell that attack innocent blood and Allah's wrath is on you.

Mohammed's curse will come on you in your sleep and destroy you and your soul will be eaten by worms in hell.

Real men don't hurt innocent woman and children or blow up people. taliban