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UK immigration atrocities
In WWII, refugees were sent back to die by the British government. Evidence of atrocities in Europe was ignored, and Tory Foreign Minister Anthony Eden is remembered for his remark that Britain had taken its quota and would take no more. His successor in the Labour government, Ernest Bevin, was hated by the Jews who fled. He refused the ship Exodus when it arrived on the shores of Palestine, and the refugees on board had to go back to Germany.

Today it is doing the same, under Home Office Secretary Jacqui Smith. A Guardian article of 27 May tells how two men deported to the Congo were tortured, one of them sexually abused. All this despite graphic evidence from a former Congolese secret police chief who himself claimed asylum in the UK.

But this is the tip of the iceberg. Journalists are not privy to the tens of thousands of cases that are hidden behind paperwork and the Official Secrets Act, to which immigration officials and detention are signatories. Getting inside the system is crucial, and this has been accomplished by a team of undercover journalists who have discovered utter abuse going on in the immigration courts of the UK, with many Pakistanis being sent back to face torture and death through lack of due process and/or false accusations. A new blog, will have information on it posted daily, along with petitions to grant amnesty and legal review.

Tune in there and here as well for information on what you can do to help. uk immigration
10 Sep 2009 | 1032 Syed Asadullah Says:   
Boris Johnson on his visit to the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre in Whitechapel. Here's what the future Mayor Johnson wrote in The Spectator shortly after the bomblings of 7 July 2005: It really does appear that "Islam is the problem" no more - quite a conversion. Is it because Boris believes that his call for British Muslims to embrace "British values" has been heeded in the four years since he made it, or are other considerations involved?