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We are Sorry, Sri Lanka
My heart is sad today for Sri Lanka, the nation and its generosity at a time when no country would visit Pakistan.

I salute your cricketers.

I am ashamed.

And I am sorry.

Of course I cannot speak for everyone, but please accept at least one little apology from a Pakistani.

Anyone care to join me to apologize? Forget who did it or when or how. We must apologize to our guests, regardless of anything.

I am sorry, again. cricket sri-lanka lahore
03 Mar 2009 | 846 Ali says: Location: London  Posts: 1
When I saw link to this post on the home page i thought "now this is uncharacteristic for an otherwise unfazed and composed Pakpositive". But really it's been a gruesome and barbaric cowardly act, especially more so because these cricketers were the ambassadors of peace in our country, my prayers are with all those who died and my heartfelt sympathies to Srilankan cricketers and their families.

03 Mar 2009 | 847 Opptogirl says: Location: Located  Posts: 5
I'm not a cricket fan as such, but I was unable to contain my emotions when I heard about it. I feel a line has been crossed of human decency. We could all kill each other in our own homeland but to do that to a team of visitors whose only purpose was decency and sport and not to have given them the courtesy of full security is beyond my comprehension. We have all collectively failed as a nation, people and state today.
03 Mar 2009 | 848 KM Rizvi says:   Posts: 5
My initial reaction to this topic was:

"Why should I be sorry for a band of terrorists's acts?" Then however as I read the post and Opptogirl's comments I realized as a Pakistani and a human being that, whatever happened in my homeland is a shared responsibility of all who call it their home.

I am sorry too, Sri Lanka.
06 Mar 2009 | 852 Lak says: Location: USA  Posts: 1
Dear All in Pakistan,

Please do not feel sorry for something that you had no possibility of controlling. We, as Sri Lankans, know only too well how you feel. Our tolerance and good-heartedness have been taken advantage of many, many times before, by opportunists.... and we remember the pain we have undergone due to the actions of megalomanic terrorists of the ltte. For us, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are pretty much the same.

Whatever may have happened, we Sri Lankans will never forget how Pakistan rose to help us over and over again, during times of need. Our country (and yours) are unfairly hounded by opportunists and terrorist-paid members of the media. We are trying to rise against a lot of odds, and even during times when our neighbour India could not do anything (due to some of their opportunistic politicians trying to make advantage of the situation), Pakistan has ALWAYS helped us. We Sri Lankans don't forget such things.

So, our Pakistani brothers and sisters, please realize that we Sri Lankans know and understand how you feel... and don't take this too hard. Be strong: Our Leader Mahinda Rajapakse has shown the whole world what strong and resilient people Sri Lankans are... and we are on the very verge of eliminating the ltte terrorism form our land forever! Pakistanis are a classy bunch of people, and Sri Lanka will ALWAYS be with you.

With Best Regards,
Sri Lankans