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What Ails Pakistan?
Author: Moid K.
We all agree that the current state of affairs in Pakistan is far from what any of us desires. A logical question that comes to ones mind is why we are in such a mess. We need a RCA, root cause analysis.

From Wikipedia, �A root cause is an initiating cause of a causal chain which leads to an outcome or effect of interest. Commonly, root cause is used to describe the depth in the causal chain where an intervention could reasonably be implemented to change performance and prevent an undesirable outcome.�

We see various discussions on the subject in Print/Electronic Media and even in social gatherings. In my humble opinion instead of the root cause we have been concentrating on consequences that are triggered due to the root cause.

So what is that one thing, if fixed, may help us to get out of this abyss in which we find ourselves today?.

Having dwelled on this for a long time, I personally have come to the conclusion that it�s lack of moral strength in us as individuals. I would like to clarify that here that it�s not the absence of morality but rather lack of strength and discipline at individual level to controls our actions based on accepted moral principles within our society.

Morality by definition is a set of beliefs that distinguishes between right and wrong. I believe we the citizens of Pakistan do clearly understand difference between right and wrong but lack the will and discipline to apply those principles to our personal conduct. This individual shortcoming gets amplified as it takes a collective form and manifests itself in our society in from of political, bureaucratic and administrative corruption.

In all our discussion we are complaining about problems with our leadership but it is not just the leadership it is majority of us Pakistani that are just interested in their own personal gains and when it comes to acting based on accepted moral principles within our society we select what is good for us an not what is right. Our leaders, administrators, colleagues and neighbors all have the same fault and follow the philosophy that what is wrong for others is not necessarily wrong for me. Till we correct this root cause, no new system or change in the existing system would be able to dig us of this abyss.

This is my two paisas worth. You may not agree with my analysis but I would appreciate if you can help provide your input to address this very important point. Once we have identified the true root cause then we can start looking at solutions. Without a root cause we are just trying to fix the problem through trial and error, which may never provide permanent solution. mullahs
14 Feb 2010 | 1149 Zafar Habib says: Location: Faisalabad  Posts: 1
I am Zafar Habib. I am doing some extraordianry work in education but I don't see the government of the media interested in education or in some change in education.
For the last 15 month I have been trying to contact the CM of the Punjab Mian Shahbaz Sharif but there has been no positive progress. Some government officials have seen my work.
21 May 2010 | 1228 zulfiqarnoor says: Location: lahore  Posts: 1
Pakistan is fighting a war which never meant to be it's own war. The main purpose of this war was to save the lives of the people who are living in other countries of world. But now the war has become our own war. In this war Pakistani security forces are fighting against militants in our own country. Now suicide bombing becomes a regular act .
Pakistan's involvement in this war on terror has provoked the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda to fight against the people of Pakistan. It has resulted in 5704 lives including the soldiers have lost more lives in fighting against Taliban�s. Such a big price that Pakistan has paid against war on terror.

On the other hand the world think that paying the money to Pakistan for this war is the only responsibility he owned. The world should also condemn all such activities which instigate the negative impression against them. These activities like "Every Body Draw Mohammad Day" will not help the war against terrorism. It not only mar our all efforts to fight against terrorist but it also providing fuel for them.
These double standards should not be exercised if the world really wants to fight against terrorism.
21 May 2010 | 1230 Arsi Says:   
Constant bombardment of perpetual, seemingly endless crises, blood-splatter and terrorism all over the news, TV, radio, print even general conversation, has made us hopeless and resigned. Our senses have been muted to positivity. We live in denial and escapism. We are now numb and meekly accept this toll. But this is it.
For the first time in the history of Pakistani media, AAJ TV brings you a revolutionary campaign that will shake the very roots of our country�s political and social norms. A campaign that will empower every common Pakistani to take a stand and raise questions, on any and every thing that he/she finds wrong, unaddressed, neglected or corrupted in our country. A campaign that will begin a mass movement of political and social change in the hearts of 18 crore Pakistanis across the nation!
A campaign that will awaken the youth in every corner of Pakistan, to question themselves and the government about our responsibilities toward our motherland. A campaign that will empower us to understand that it�s not just politicians from whom we want change. It is each of us. In a democracy all citizens become equal, active participants, not passive recipients of what politicians dish out. They are elected to serve, not to rule. Each of us is equally responsible to serve our motherland. It�s time to wake up, to enforce checks and balances, to question, to get answers.
Visit // And get yourself heard Ask Questions Now!!
20 Jul 2010 | 1298 Maria Khalid says: Location: Karachi- Pakistan  Posts: 1
Paan ki peekain, Bus walay, Rickshay walay, tooti huwi sarkain, khadday, gutter, naalay, painted and scribbled walls, pee'd on walls, thelay, makhiaan, faqeer, viper liyay huway bachay, aik say aik hottie aur mouthwatering khanon kay billboards... raal tapka dein! Gadha gari, cycle walay, and pedestrians kay baap ki roadain! Charbi mein talay huway parathay, samosay, jalebian! suicide 'bumbers'! Hijaabi, kababi, Sharabi, Bekaari, Shehwari, Berozgari, Charsi, Sindhiyon ki Laziness, Punjabiyon kay Lachay Phunnay, Urdu Speaking ka Arrogance, Pathan saray kurr maghaz. Rishton mein takraar, watta satta- karo kari- honor killings isqadr aaam! Gol Gappy, Gola ganda aur gannay ka rass= Hepetitas B, C, D, E, F, G etc! Lawaris, haq marna, rishwat, molestation, rape, secretive video making, taking, shaking. ISI, MI, FIA kay kaam, izzat kay daam! Road pay kuttay, �walkEaze� kay juttay, shehr kay Kabeelay, Firkay, Soubay, Zabanain, Sahafi, Vaderay. Red Blue Goldan Silver 'Light Areas'. Noujawanon kay Shashkay, Aurton kay Nakhray, Mardon kay Charchay, Raaton mein Dhandhay. Marr rahay hain, jal rahay hain, bum phat rahay hain, taizab phik rahay hain; dakhia'noosi rivaj chal rahay hain, daadiyon aur naniyoon kay demagh phirr rahay hain! Parchi system, dakay, qatle' aam, load 'shading', kharbon rupay ki shadian, joray, ghoray, naach ganay, betahasha maulanay, target killings, femida mirza lol, NRO, Benazir ki mysterious shahadat, Abdullah Shah Ghazi par questionable ibadat. Mardon ka cherna, Aurton ka Sharmana, Shaadi say pehlay Ghabrana, Shaadi kay baad Sathhyajana :p Bewaqt harwaqt Khayali pulao, Biryani, kachron kay dhair, doodh mein paani, paison mein beimani! NGO's, CDA, DHA, PEMRA, Wapda, Kesc, PTCL?? Media mein Ratings aur fahashat ki jung, Audience ka demagh kharab, Prado aur Civics ki unauthentic bharmaar, baarishain muslaadhaar, dilwalay bekaraar! �Vibe Channel� pay Mathira, oont kay mun mein zeera, Jaali Naikiyoon ka Zakheera, Star Plus kay dramay, Press Club kay hangamay. 'Phet'ki Alaamat, Garmi say mini qayamat, Feudalism ka shuru say asr, zameenain saari idhar udhar, Qabza groupon ka uchhalna urooj par! 'Filmazia Channel' par Earthquakes(Punjaabi Actresses), Ufone, Zong, Telenor kay redundant ishtihaar, Ramzan kay khanon mein hiras, Eid mein mehngayee, dilon ki ruswaaiye, Bakron ki hosla afzayee, mazdooron ki tragic kamaayee, unorganised nizam, traffic saray jaam, Zardari ka messed up irada, aloo roti chawal say motapa aur Cinema mein ******** !!

Ab kia karsaktay hain : )

Hai, toh bhayee hai...

Maria Khalid
02 Sep 2010 | 1370 Kamran_999 Says:   
If I identify myself as an egotistic blood sucking leech then I�m probably wide of the mark as I belong to the group of people who are more horrible then that. It would not be incorrect if I call myself a rat or better A Zombie Rat, as I survive in my hole, eat others alive and don�t use an extremely vital part of my body �The Brain�.

Whenever I use escalator in my office about 50% of the time lifts stops due to incorrectly pushed button, as it seem enormously difficult to comprehend which button means what. If pressed down then does it mean you need to go down or you are asking lift to come down (even if you have to go up). People wanted to go to the top sometime go down initially with the escalator in order to secure a position in lift.

If you have ever come across a situation where a person is caught during stealing or theft in the market or public place then people around are more excited to punish the guy on spot (usually a brutal death penalty) rather then handing him over to police. After all its entertaining to see this scene as a lot of people don�t want to go to cinema and waste their valuable time.

In other parts of the world, Police means a department meant to serve justice and stop the crimes there exists a police force which is the actual source of crime, the biggest crime mercenaries (you just need to do the payments and they�ll do all sorts of crimes for you including target killing, rental killings, torture and many more. The best part is that it will all be very legal and according to the law.

The list goes on and on and on involving people who clean the street till those who rule them. But the question still remains that Who Am I?

May be I�ve been converted in a zombie who is eager to use shortcuts in life in every aspect. May be I no more consider moral or legal values of any type and just want to survive (even though I�m doing everything possible against my own existence). I hate more and love less as this is how the system works (I think). I have made my own religion and my own laws which I prove in my brain to be perfect. Rather I might�ve considered myself as some kind of a god who has the right to do everything and shouldn't be asked any questions.

I�ve also stopped learning from history even very recent history and it seems that I�m no more scared from the wrath of God.

I�ve become one of those nations who have perished from the face of the earth and the remains are found in religious books as an example for those who use a valuable part of their body �The Brain�
18 Nov 2010 | 1449 Agha shoaib ahmed says: Location: karachi  Posts: 1
A question which our most probably our second generation is asking from them selves that what is our postion in the world even in our region. what i belive we stand no where be it educational sector economic sector or be it is sporting sector

we were far better before ten years back rather then today we were champions in every leading sports we were considered growing economy.

the solution:

it is not sensible to always mourning in our past and abusing our present it judicious to be optimistic though only revoulationary leader can do that what i belive i am not seeing a leader in fifty years coming. it is better to find the people of credtelals within our ranks apart from his work what he is doing or what is profession we need to find people who can deliver to commons a common can solve the problem of common.
20 Dec 2010 | 1479 Usman Asif says: Location: Oslo  Posts: 1
Since Pakistan�s inception its wealthy aristocratic yet moderate leadership derived away from its founders principles of a secular nation for Muslims and moved closer to an Islamic state. Three constitutions, several amendments and thousands of executive ordinances later the constitution of today has ended up being a tool for the powerful against the weaker citizen. Most damaging has been the so called blasphemy laws which were included in the constitution after serious pressure against the government in the 50s and 70s by religious groupings and with the ascension of the pietistic General Zia ul-Haq on the presidential slot. British inherited Penal Code was thus amended with articles and clauses which discriminates its citizens and makes them subject to harassment and persecution.
09 Jan 2011 | 1500 Ali babar says: Location: khi  Posts: 1
Why me ! A question that arises in everybody,s mind in a number of situations.mostly depressing ones,and almost every time the answer is known by the person.we never say "why me" when every thing is going fine but we do question if something goes wrong.every thing that happens is a reaction of some action done by the questioning person.some times you don't expect things to go astray but they do rather than questioning why me and getting depressed further ,why not we fix what went wrong.
Many a times "why me" arises when we ever we think about doing something for our society. " why me ?why should many people are there to do it".Tragically this thing comes in every body,s mind resulting in making the things worse.
People sit in gatherings discuss about politics commenting on every single thing trying to conclude about the current situation .most of them thinking "Y US "y we are facing such situation. The answer is with us ;we think "y me" .instead of waiting for a miracle to happen ,if we start doing things without thinking about "y me" ;if everybody play his part there will not be any problem left !
21 Jan 2011 | 1512 Muhammad Hood says: Location: Karachi  Posts: 1
It came to me as great shock when I heard the news of Pakistani Punjabi governor Salman Taseer�s death. He was killed by his own bodyguard. Taseer�s death is the latest in a long series of killings and the second greatest of any big shot in the name of Islam after Benazir Bhutto in late 2007. At a posh and busy neighborhood of the Pakistani capital, Mumtaz Qadri who was Taseer�s guard from the elite commando police service shot the governor with a burst totaling 27 rounds from his service assault rifle because he wanted to avenge Taseer�s blasphemous act(s) such as campaigning to save a Christian Punjabi woman who is sentenced to death by a district Judge in Punjab for blasphemy also, and demanding country�s government to revise the said law and for other legal protections for minorities in Pakistan even Taseer�s comments �black law� for Pakistan�s blasphemy law. Subsequently to the governor�s intervention, the case has been held with High Court in Lahore.

The woman�s case has been very controversial for past recent months after Taseer began personally taking part in its conclusion. There had been a strong opposition against Taseer in Pakistan by a majority of people disagreeing his motive and demanding the blasphemer woman hanged. For so many times Taseer had been threatened by different religious factions in Pakistan that if he doesn�t stay away from the case or to try to save the accused woman, he was to be killed as by doing so he himself would be treated as a blasphemous offender. As the destiny would have it, the determined and outspoken Salman Taseer paid for his so called �blasphemy� with his life just in line with the so called �blasphemy law� Section 295 C of the Pakistan Penal Code.

It is reported that the �killer guard� named Mumtaz Qadri, after shooting the governor down, dropped his rifle and surrendered to the stunned fellow guards on duty at the crime scene begging to not to be shot on the spot but to be caught alive. He looked very confident, calm and above all proud. Facing the television cameras while chained under custody he frequently smiled like a victor and was not looked uncertain about his future. Quite regretfully but not surprisingly this tragic incident and the result subsequent to it is joyously appreciated by a majority of ordinary Pakistanis, the Mullahs and other forums. Almost all religious factions in Pakistan have hailed the killer as a hero of Islam and are active to save him from any secular judgment and have him clear from the court. Not only Mullahs, but thousands from other groups such as lawyers, police, students et cetera want Qadri be released immediately. Many lawyers have offered to defend him during trials for free. He was celebrated and welcomed by lawmakers when arrived for first appearance before the judiciary. While the state authorities seem to have no personal or official effect of the governor�s murder; as evident from the silence of the most, a halfhearted interest and reaction to the incident however the country�s hierarchy is much disturbed about the security of the others. Many politicians have changed their security details and replaced those guards found with least Islamic posture mostly the bearded men. When I stepped into a mosque in Karachi�s Saddar area for this Friday prayers, the first instance there for me was the voice of the Imam over the loudspeaker addressing to men there the issue of the blasphemy. Some points of the Imam were,

�Those who commit any vulgarity towards the Prophet Muhammad must be killed, and killing such blasphemers is commanded by Prophet Muhammad himself. The liberals are not right to call us illiterate and extremist. Whatever done (with Governor) or to be done with the (Christian woman) is right by the Islamic laws and we must do the needful at any cost.�

Hearing such typical provocative notions I was not moved by any means because nothing was new to me. In Pakistan, everybody is free to say and do anything; and the law only affects the poor. This is a country where from top to bottom majority is corrupt and except a very few, those who are not corrupt� haven�t had a chance to go! In such an environment most of things happen badly. Uncertainty, poverty, oppression and insecurity have caused mental frustration and above all have sparked a tendency of intolerance. This kind of restlessness is the reason behind all of today�s troubles destroying the trust and image of Pakistan in international view and in view of most of Pakistanis also. There has been a trend developed among the people that to make the others feel and to draw attention, one has to act really odd. Those who are to rise for the right have found a much effective way to make an impact upon the society by violent reactions. Riots and killings have become a weekly event and a slightest undesired thing is enough to invite a big disaster. There have been many incidents in past recent times regretfully happened in Pakistan�s once calm society. Though these are cruel and deserve no reiteration but it�s necessary to remind the reader of such crimes identical in nature and causes.

1: Wednesday, September 03, 2008; KARACHI: People captured two dacoits in Buffer zone area of Karachi, brutally thrashed them and set them on fire and according to Edhi sources, both were dead on the spot.

2: Saturday, May 17, 2008; KARACHI: People captured two dacoits in Five Star Chowrangi area of Karachi, brutally thrashed them and set them on fire. The police saved the dacoits from the angry mob and transferred them to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.

3: A brilliant and vibrant women right activist and sitting Punjab provincial minister Zille Huma Usman was assassinated by a fanatic Mullah during a public meeting in Gujranwala in 2007. The culprit was caught and produced on TV later; stating that he killed the woman because she was dressed inappropriately and also said that women should not be involved in politics.

The man had earlier murdered seven women described in the press as �call girls� in Gujranwala and Lahore. He was arrested once and confessed to killing the �sinful women�; he was let off after one year because of lack of evidence but, more accurately, because of religious support. His patrons, according to the police, had �paid off� the relatives of the killed and been reprieved under �Islamic� laws. There is nothing new in this. Anybody who knows the decade of religious mayhem in Karachi knows how criminals are protected from punishment by powerful patrons. He was previously held in 2002 in connection with the killing and mutilation of four �prostitutes�, but was never convicted due to lack of evidence.

4: SUKKUR: A woman in Sukkur was tied to a tree and her father-in-law and brothers-in-law set the dogs on her over allegations of �karo kari� or defiled family honour.

5: In Sialkot, Pakistan, people tried to take justice in their own hands by teaching a lesson to two brothers, a bit too brutally, for injuring four people at a cricket match.

The incident took place when two brothers ended up in a brawl in a local cricket match and they ended up injuring four people. The charged mob got out-raged and started beating the two brothers. The beating got so brutal that the two brothers lost their lives and all the people of Sialkot considered it a lesson well taught. There was even a police officer present at the event but he did nothing to stop the beating.

6: From The Guardian, Monday, September 1, 2008:

�Three teenage girls have been buried alive by their tribe in a remote part of Pakistan to punish them for attempting to choose their own husbands, in an �honour� killing case. After news of the deaths emerged, male politicians from their province, Baluchistan, defended the killings in parliament, claiming the practice was part of �our tribal custom�.
The girls, thought to have been aged between 16 and 18, were kidnapped by a group of men from the Umrani tribe. They were driven to a rural area and then injured by being shot. Then, while still alive, they were dragged bleeding to a pit, where they were covered with earth and stones�
However, six weeks after the deaths, no one was arrested amid claims of a cover-up. According to several accounts, Baluchistan government vehicles were used to abduct the girls, and the killing was overseen by a tribal chief who is the brother of a provincial minister from the ruling Pakistan People�s party. Some reports said that two older relatives of the girls had tried to intervene, but they too were shot and buried with the girls while still alive�
with a presidential election on September 6, one in which Baluchistan�s provincial parliament would be strongly relied on to deliver votes, action that would antagonize the region�s politicians was highly unlikely. In Pakistan�s national parliament, an MP from Baluchistan, Israrullah Zehri, said on Friday that �this action was carried out according to tribal traditions�, a view backed up by some other male lawmakers, who attacked a woman senator who had raised the case. Umrani, a provincial minister, has admitted that the girls were buried alive but denied the involvement of his brother. An editorial, published in Pakistani daily The News said: �surely, the government should be seeking the murderers, not protect [them] through some dark conspiracy of silence. The fact the act was �kept quiet� means the government sympathizes with such doings.��

From The News, Thursday, January 01, 2009:

The year 2008 also saw two cruel incidents of violence that included the burial of five women alive in Nasirabad district of Baluchistan and throwing of Tasleem Solangi, an eight-month pregnant woman, in front of hungry dogs in Khairpur district of Sindh.

While with many advantages of the rapid growth of the media in Pakistan there have been many drawbacks of it as the media has been inflicting anguish upon the people namely it has caused great terror, depression and hatred to the people�s mind. The media in Pakistan has failed to perform responsibly and with ethics or limitations of public broadcasting. Most of the people depend upon television news slides updating every minute hence clips and photographs of bomb blasts, firefights, killings, corpses, blood and riots leave behind a great fright and mental frustration. The government has not yet made or enforced any regulations for media broadcasting of such sensitive content.

Another recent shock was a typical cleric in Peshawar who offered Pakistani Rupees 500,000 to anybody who kills the blasphemer woman Aasia Bibi during an open public rally. The news arrived on all Pakistani media with video clips of the scene in which the said Mullah cleric made his speech vehemently. An article by Akhtar Amin on said,

PESHAWAR: A Jamaat-e-Islami-affiliated cleric on Friday offered Rs 500,000 reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy. �I will give Rs 500,000 to a person who killed Aasia,� the prayer leader of the historic Masjid Mohabbat Khan, Maulana Yousaf Qureshi told a JI protest rally organised against calls for amendments in the blasphemy law and Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer�s struggle to have the woman pardoned. The cleric also appealed to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to kill Aasia. He asked the group to carry out the killing instead of bombing other places. �To kill the woman is a service to the religion in a real,� he said.

Governor Salman Taseer�s tragic death has also caused a strong wave of criticism and opposition against deadly Islamic extremism in Pakistan which has already taken so many lives. The responses from local and international sources are with strong grief and condemnation of Pakistan�s helpless government, lawless environment plus an awfully illiterate and devastatingly Islamist society. It is quite shocking for me to see that no proper response by the government or the intellectuals in Pakistan is made in Pakistan. Many are unwilling even to say something about Taseer�s case and the fate of his assassin. All the Imams and other Islamic scholars had condemned Taseer, had refused to lead Taseer�s farewell (funeral) prayers and warned those who have some sympathy towards him; even the Christian federal minister of minorities of Pakistan named Shahbaz Bhatti is not spared by Islamist groups. Catholic Bishops� Conference of India (CBCI) reports the following,

Terrorist Groups Raise Aim: �Eliminate Minister Bhatti�

ISLAMABAD/Pakistan, Dec. 06, 2010, 09:30 Hrs: (Agenzia Fides)

The Islamic terrorist organization �Lashkar-e-Toiba�, one of the largest in Southern Asia, and other Taliban groups have launched a �fatwa� (an official proclamation) against the Minister for Religious Minorities, the Catholic Shabhaz Bhatti. Reliable sources in Pakistan inform Fides that the minister is now being targeted by militants. He has become a �legitimate objective� and �may be killed for being an accomplice to the blasphemy.� The proclamation is motivated by Bhatti�s commitment to the revision of the blasphemy law.

The Minister had already received warnings and threats. The radical organization �Majlis Ahrar-e-Islam�, in recent days had told him to �keep your mouth shut and do not criticize the blasphemy law.� Months ago, the religious leader Ahmed Mian Hammadi had accused him of blasphemy and threatened him with �decapitation�. The position of the Minister in the case of Asia Bibi and his real effort to carry through a draft revision of the law have generated, in a growing climate of intolerance, the new �fatwa� by Taliban terrorist groups.

We Pakistanis live helplessly in a lawless country. Our government is corrupt, people are bitter and hostile. Nobody trusts nobody and Pakistan is defined by extremists, outlaws and power-hungry politicians. And in my personal view, if this anarchy continues to flourish even Pakistan�s armed forces� integrity is in doubt when guards have become assassins. The dangerously growing Islamic extremism and societal disorder is enough for thinkers to alarm the explosion of a �time bomb� one day surely and anybody can be a victim. In my view this constantly growing anarchy in an illiterate society is a gathering storm inevitable to unleash one day and Pakistan�s rotation could possibly be worst than the bloody French Revolution of 1799.

Only history will be able to define Salman Taseer�s case and its consequences truly. Adil Najam at �Deadly Intolerance: Punjab Governor Salman Taseer Killed (1946-2011)� posted on January 4, 2011 has said the following very appropriately in his article,

Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri may have pulled the trigger but let us all hang our head in shame today because Salman Taseer was killed by the intolerance, the hatred, the extremism, the vigilantism, the violence and the Jahalat that now defines our society. He was killed by the unchecked abundance of false sanctimony where custodians of morality have been breathing fire and instigating violence. Each one of us, including his own party, should be ashamed today for having tolerated the pall of intolerance that has eventually gunned down this man. Today�s Pakistan is defined by Mumtaz Hussain Qadris. They exist all around us. And it is all of us who tolerate them and their intolerance. It is this tolerance of intolerance that kills.

Today, it claimed yet one more victim.

06 Mar 2011 | 1557 Walayat Malik says: Location: canada  Posts: 1
The essence of democracy is that the government at any level, federal, provincial and local level, should be formed by the consent of the governed. Government is for the service of the people not the other way around. In democracy government is by the people and for the people, thus government cannot be imposed on them by someone else. The freedom of choice and right to vote, for anyone they like, should be ensured by authorities such as Election commission, law enforcement agencies and the election contestants. This is the first and foremost requirement for electing a good government. This is the first brick and mortar for the foundation of the edifice of democracy. There is no democracy if people cannot cast their votes freely without fear, pressure or coercion. Once votes are cast there should be no possibility of miscount or ballot box stuffing. The ballots should be counted at the same polling station where they are cast, in the presence of scrutineers of every candidate and result sheet signed by everyone. These results should be sent to the central location and copy posted outside the polling station. Ballots, cast, should be preserved in the sealed boxes and sent to election commission for the record.

Political parties should be formed based on a specific national agenda, platform and ideology. Conservative and liberal ideology should be the basis for the parties, not personal, regional or parochial agenda. Each party should keep record of the registered members, nationwide. There must be a membership fee even if nominal and members should be given membership cards. It should have party associations in each constituency.These associations should hold internal elections to choose office holders. Before the general elections the membership of the constituency should select their candidate for the election. Only those members should be allowed to vote for this nomination who have been members for at least past six months. This will reduce the impropriety where the candidates for nomination, register members at the last minute. Political parties should hold annual policy conventions where national issues and programs are discussed to renew their party platforms. At these convention they may also renew the confidence in their leaders by casting secret votes to see the support leaders enjoys at present. The delegates to these conventions should come from every constituency after being chosen at a selection meeting by all members of local party associations. After every 4 or 5 years there should be a leadership convention where delegates choose their new leader from among multi-candidates for the top slot. For new ideas and new approach the term for a leader should be limited to only two. Next leader should not have any blood relation to the past leader. This is the true democracy.

In a democracy all representatives of the people are elected including the president, prime minister, members of all the assemblies at federal, provincial and district levels. The appointment of someone at these positions without election is undemocratic. The position of an unelected governor is absolutely against the spirit of democracy. In a colony or in a monarchy the heads of the governments appoint their representatives as governors, viceroys or governor general. In a republic like Pakistan the post of governor is not required. The chief minister of the province should be called a governor, if this nomenclature at all has to be preserved. Similarly the reserved seats are completely against democratic norms.Instead of appointing women in the assembly to give them representation, parties should allot some percentage of nomination tickets to eligible women candidates and let the voters decide if she deserves to be their representative. Same thing should be done with minorities. There should be no direct appointments. It is against the essence of democracy.

Elected Representatives should be held to a higher standard of character and personal integrity. They should have unblemished record of law-abidance, honesty, fairness and comprehension. Making the laws for the proper functioning of the society is a big responsibility and needs knowledge of public needs, aspirations and hopes. Politics should not be a pursuit for getting rich. It is rather a service for the betterment of the society.

The terms of all the assemblies and senate should be four years and its members should have limit of only two terms. This will infuse new blood, new ideas and new programs into the direction of affairs of the country. New members should not have any blood relation with the old members. This will break the hold of one family, in the power corridors of the country. This will automatically put term limits on the prime minister and the chief ministers. The president whose position is mostly ceremonial should have only one term. The president should be chosen from among the highly respected members of the society such as eminent professor, renowned scientist, respected artist, superstar of any sport or even a respected religious scholar. There should be no governors and chief minister should be the head of the province.

The number of provinces should be increased on the basis of population. Each province should have population of about ten millions keeping in mind that there are scores of countries that are members of the UN with population of less than two millions. Countries only prosper when their people are empowered. People should choose their own representatives to run the district and provincial affairs. No body should appoint a commissioner or a deputy commissioner to run the affairs of local governments. Divisions should be abolished in favour of more provinces. No bureaucrat should be made in charge of the destiny of the masses. Bureaucrats job is, only, office and department administration. They can be head of a government department but not the head of an area, part or any territory of the country.
13 Sep 2011 | 1740 Miriam says: Location: Pakistan  Posts: 1
The media in Pakistan has been my true companion. Latest gift it gave me was four hours of non-stop entertainment by one of the servants of the nation; if that�s why we voted him we made the right choice. His press conference took the nation�s (or at least my) mind off the depression all around and his words served as brain-massagers. I am so glad that we vote each election so that his party stays in the light. Because we know the people of his city would always sleep with peace and a smile on their faces as long as he has power. I have heard he sends an invitation and ensures that at least one member from each invited family comes to witness the high spirited and refreshing course of fun filled activities. I tell you, had M.A. Jinnah been alive today he would have felt unworthy of the title of Quaid. What melodious voice, fearlessness and empathy our leader has for his people. Time will fall short and pages will shrink if I continue talking about our patriotic leader.

Therefore I will resume talking about my very important friend, the media. Media is window of a country showing to the world what�s happening in that particular country. Our window has a poster, showing a swim suit fashion show where men and women are discussing over a cup of espresso how to get this much needed product to the flood struck. Young girls and boys can be seen smoking sheesha and playing cards in the back ground. This fills my heart with my pleasure because problems faced by family should not be brought out in public and should be solved by family guided by the head, based on self-sustainability and hard work. Our national servants, in this regard, are in no way behind. They make sure that do not in any way become an object of pity. And when other countries offer us cloth our national servants cut it according to our need and make sure we go back to them for a new suit also rather than switching to local fabric.

Besides, these qualities possessed by my best friend, who puts imported coat, it has a very good sense of judgment. It will always give me the news I want, rather need, to hear. For instance, these days it keeps on highlighting how awesome our current government is, their achievements and affairs are aired every now and then. But it very effectively almost eradicates the information about the voter registration. So what if the date ends in less than 20 days? It�s not important for us to know because evidently we have done the correct hiring. In fact, not even �we�, because �we� do not vote. So what if our elected national servant changes the direction of the flood towards a whole village to save their castle? That�s a perfect decision and that is why it is not important to vote.

My unbiased friend manages its resources very well. No ad campaigns will be made to create awareness about the unimportant issue of voting, like our crazy neighbor who cannot help themselves from making such campaigns. Such xenocentrics! But just so that people do not say we are not friendly we show their movies. Let alone, having programs on importance of voting our media runs one odd ad at 2 a.m. so that the message gets to the masses. Like my village watchman, our media also tries to keep us alert as they also believe in the same tag line �JAGTAY REHNA, saday taay na rehna�. (Stay awake, do not rely on us)

30th Sep is the last date of registering you vote, if you are slightly patriotic and want to see better Pakistan, please get your vote registered and exercise your right. Because those who believe media is their friend; their definition of friend is �a friend with weed is a friend indeed�.