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Where Are The Peace Singers?
Author: Wajahat
The world music industry is rocking. Similarly Pakistan Music Industry is booming towards infinite glory. Every fortnight a new singer or a band emerges.They label themselves as rock singers, jazz singers, pop singers, semi classical or classical singers.

But more recently, the so called dilemma, Pakistan Music Industry is facing is that, different singers are trying to become or are modifying themselves into so called "rap singers".

Each one of them is hiring a shaby shaped body with weird countenances, called DISC JOKIE or DJ. But my question to all these glamorous celebrities and to all folks is that; where are the peace singers? Normally every singer sings about a lost love in tragic way or meeting his true love or ideal partner in a hip pop way. But where are such singers who sing for peace?

Where are such singers which pray that a time will come when the peace bird will be flying in the open sky, at high altitudes at liberty. Where are such singers who do not portray story of love between two ideals but portray the story of the loved ones deprived of love for being innocent and becoming victims of ( GORA AGGRESSION).

As being a muslin country, its high time that peace singers should come out of their kennels. To establish a ROSHAN KHAYAL PAKISTAN we have to educate ourselves and our brethren and for that someone has to make us realize. And peace singers are the best choice.singer