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Which area of Pakistan has most sexy girls
Author: Javed_Uk
Which area of Pakistan has the most attractive girls and why
04 Jun 2007 | 328 mullah nasruddin says: Location: sultanat-e-usmania  Posts: 2
an interesting question but a moot one. some people say lahori girls are sexiest but i guess its all one's own prejudice against other parts of pakistan or areas. ask males and you're likely to get more biases than anything possible in the world and this is true for men from any part of the world, not just pakistan. to the indians pakistani girls are definately more sexy than indian girls and vice versa pakistani males think indian girls are sexy atleast in the bollywood world. theres a silent rivalry between lahore and karachi fashion industry in which the lahore side is represented by daily times section on sundays and the karachiites are represented by the news magazine or mag fashion. just google mag fashion or daily times sunday to see what i mean.
10 Aug 2007 | 358 smallcrockery says:   Posts: 1
First of all, what a ridiculous question ! of course lahori chicks are the sexiest!! and here i dont mean fried chicken

nasaruddin has tried to give a good answer which is almost true but let me say that I know people (not Pakistanis indians and indian muslims too) who would die for a Pakistani girl for marriage and specially from Lahore, YES this is true.

As far as regarding Lahore vs. Karachi battle, i agree somewhat that Jang group or daily Times group has done there best and now because GEO TV is everywhere, Karachi is winning th battle of "whose banay gi sexiest paki girl" in Pakistan. But Lahore will STRIKE BACKKK hehehe

Sorry this is just a dumbass reply of mine to a ridiculous discussion but WHAT THE HECK paki girls ruleeeee !!
16 Nov 2007 | 421 sethindubai says:   Posts: 2
When we mention Lahori girls ofcourse we are referring to girls from Punjab and Punjabi women from all parts..... Multan to Kashmir. Sindhi women have hardly been seen by public (except for benazir!!) because the feudal style of the culture which is existing there doesnt allow that. Pathan girls and also afghani girls/women are much more beautiful but ofcourse you know they are also hidden behind veils and burqas because of strict shariat laws and mullah hold. Balochi girls, like Sindhi and Pathan girls, are not seen in any walk of life mostly. Its their culture and tribal traditions ofcourse. This leaves us karachi where girls from all Pakistan exist because it is such a cosmopolitan and multi - faith and multi - ethnic city, you have mohajir girls who are from all the immigrant families from India, rajasthan, Maharashtra, UP, Behari, dehli-walay, bengali, gujrati etc etc. IMHO when we look at Karachi and highlight at all the nationalities, ethnicities and races which are there, ofcourse we should know that Karachi girls represent the whole sub continent in this little part of Pakistan. Its therefore my conclusion that Karachi girls are ofcourse the most beautiful (you can call them 'sexy' if you want) owing to the fact that they represent such a vast area and culture of the whole subcontinent of south Asia ..... not just Pakistan. Thank you.
20 Nov 2007 | 427 scheherzade says: Location: Hyderabad  Posts: 17
hi this is the reply to some1 who said you cant find sindhi girls well thats not true you can find many beautiful sindhi girls everywhere in sindh but most of them wouldnt be hot in terms of sexy but they have beauty .And mahnoor baloch and atiqa odho are two sindhi sindhi woemn on tv and both of them were beautiful when young and also unlike many people are also aging very beautifully.
and the question is stupid!
beauty is not limited yo any area but sexiness may be coz its something engrained in the culture and in our country its changes a bit every few in that case karachi and lahore would stand out lahore more i dont know y they just dressup in more sexy way.guys may go for that look but as a girl i find simplicity more attractive and beautiful.and thats sewyness and prettyness that all can sense but beauty is much more and a very vast term and includes a lot more then model typr lookss ect
take care all bye
26 Jan 2008 | 515 raja says: Location: London  Posts: 1
stupid question! it depends what you attracted to.some like religious with a burqa and some people like very open wearing tight totally depends.
Yeh Lahori and karachi girls are quite open but does not mean sindhi and baluchi girls are not beautiful.Beauty is individual thing.
lahore girls are not sexy after getting married.they just gain weight and become like a foot ball.while pathan girls normaly stay skinny even after having kids.
so it totaly depends what you like.there are no set standard for attraction and beauty.
i guess i ddi pretty well
30 Jun 2008 | 620 jam-e-shireen says: Location: Islamabad  Posts: 1
this is a very dumb question like, whose the sexiest model, whose the most beautiful actress, are lahori girls better, are karachi chicks or city girls sexier than village girls? But some of the replies are very intelligent. If im in Islamabad, i will be biased towards isloo girls and so on and so forth.

just my two rupees
12 Aug 2008 | 647 salman says:   Posts: 1
the question asked was about attractive girls but the discussion had gone to sexiest girls. In my opinion attractive/beautiful and sexy are two different subjects. It is not necessary that a beautiful girl is also sexy and at the same time, it is not necessary that sexy girl is also beautiful.

Every culture and every city will have beautiful girls, as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. However, sexy is something, which is more to do with the figures and curves and nothing to do with beauty. An average looking girl could be very sexy and a beautiful girl may not be that sexy.

now to answer the question, i think girls from karachi, lahore as well as islamabad are attractive, as they relatively dress up well and follow latest fashion. but it does not mean that girls from small towns are not. i cant comment, as i dont have much exposure of girls from small towns.
22 Nov 2008 | 732 Umar says: Location: BC, Canada  Posts: 3
hello guys,

Every body has its own taste in girls, some like simple and some like modern. Mostly Modern can be found in big cities like Lahore, Karachi , Islama bad etc. And mostly simple Girls can be found in Small cities. Villages or towns.

But guys i would like to bring your attention that recently i been to Malaysia and guess what i saw..........!!!!!!!

I found few Pakistani Gays were standing out side the dance club.

And guys be ready...earlier Pakistan was famous because of Gorii Missile. and wouldn't be wonder if later on will be famous for Gays..

Chill guys but please if you found few suggest them to go to Peshawar or Maina wali...

Take care guys See yaa!!!
13 Mar 2009 | 868 En Vogue says: Location: Chair  Posts: 1
love is blind. if you're love it doesn't matter where the girl is from or how she looks or whether she's sexy or not.
21 Jul 2009 | 981 Feroz Shah says:   Posts: 1
this is a silly question!! lolz..

women in rural areas more beautiful than city urban areas, lahori or karachi girls are not the only ones!!! just cause people have not seen them on tv or poster is not a reason

21 Dec 2009 | 1103 Maria says: Location: Karachi  Posts: 1
as a girl I find this question very dumb and the whoever is aksing it is very stupid and probably doesnt know any girls at all...... pakistani girls can be from any "area" or location to be beautiful and sexy. if you put a label on them it is like labelling which men are the hunkiest from which area of pakistan. theres so much movement of people from different areas that not any area can claim real beauty........

but that's my opinion u guyz will always put lables on girls just because you decide what is beauty!! hahaa!!!!

thank you...........

p.s....: I only agree with En vogue here.
14 Apr 2010 | 1193 Saulat says:   Posts: 1
in punjab they like fat girls (fat hips) too and call them sexy u just have to see all the film hordings and i read in the forum about sexiest girl being from anywehre. many cultural girls are atrractive and they are well mannered. stupid questions i know but i know as from raja that lahori girls gain soooo much weight LOL.