Why are Lawn Dresses so Expensive?
It is so disappointing to see that the simple lawn dress that all the classes could afford has now become a fashion symbol!
You wear it to show off! just simple show off!
I am amazed at the speed of the women purchasing it. exhibitions are being held one after the other.
The funny part is that in every new exhibition they visit they wear an outfit from the last exhibition! I wonder how fast the tailors are working. this is not good.
One lawn suit should not be too over priced. there are lawn suits of Rs5900 also! the irony is we don't have money but we still spend money!
Just to be trendy and popular we are depriving the vast majority of wearing the lawn they used to wear. I blame the sellers the branded sellers the most! why do we just sit at home and ignore the lawn exhibitions?
Well, we cant afford it.
Whose making it unaffordable? these are people within us.
We demand and purchase hence they get to sell!lawn clothes www.pakpositive.com