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Women are Equal to Men
I being a liberal Muslim have always looked up to Turkey as a role model for the Islamic world but ever since Recep Tayyip Erdogan came into power, he has followed the agenda of radicalising the Turkish society. While all his attempts at changing the social fabric of modern day Turkey have been debated upon, it is his recent comments in which he refused to consider women equivalent to men, which have outraged many all over the world.

Some people may not find anything offensive about the words Erdogan had to say, but the way I see the things, Erdogan believes that God created women to 'bear children only'. No words are not enough to condemn this statement, this is ridiculous to say the least.

Erdogan's comments are reminiscent of a typical hard-liner who believes that physical strength is the only formula for success in life. Had this been the case all the wrestlers should have established themselves as great leaders, management geniuses or respected revolutionaries. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Jesus, Jinnah, Imam Khomeini, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela, none of these great men had extra ordinary physique, yet they are still considered as one of the strongest people to live, this is because their strength came from their minds. It was their mental strength and endurance that makes them stand out as the strongest and most loved people in human history.

It is true that some strenuous tasks should better not be performed by women but this does not imply that women are not equivalent to men. Women have always been an integral and active part of all the popular movements in human history. Be it the revolutions of Russia, France and Iran or be it the independence movement of Pakistan. Women were at the forefront and supported the men in achieving their goals. Those who have read Russian literature must be familiar with famous revolutionary book "Mother" by Maxim Gorky, which underlined the role that women can play for the betterment of society and for bringing a change in the mindset of the people. Pakistan movement too owes its success to invaluable contribution played by women.

Erdogan's disregard for Islamic history and role of Muslim women has also come out in the open with his biased comments against women. Ummul Momneen Hazrat Khadija (RA) was a successful business woman, Ummul Momneen Hazrat Ayesha (RA) was a great scholar and jurist, our prophet (PBUH) used to seek advise on political affairs from Ummul Momneen Umm e Salamah (RA), no one can deny the status of Hazrat Fatima (RA) not only in this world but also in the world hereafter.

Who can forget Nusaibah Bint Ka'ab who is often termed as 'Bodyguard of Mohammad (PBUH) for her bravery during Ghazva -e-Uhad? Such was her gallantry that according to some references the Prophet (PBUH) said at the end of the battle, "No man can endure, what you can endure, O Umm Umara (this was Nusaibah's nickname).

Amra binte Abdurrahman was one of the greatest scholars among the second generation of early Muslims. She was a jurist, a mufti and a hadith cholar in the time of Ummayyad Caliph Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, who encouraged Muslims to learn with her.
Aisha binte Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqass was a jurist and scholar who taught the famous Muslim man jurist Imam Malik, the founder of the Maliki juristic school.Sayyida Nafisah, the Prophet's great granddaughter, daughter of al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, was a teacher of Islamic jurisprudence whose students traveled from faraway places to learn with her. One of her students was Imam Shafi'i, another great founder of the Shafi'i school of law. She actually financially supported him as well.

Today women are seen playing their part efficiently every walk of life, from flying a fighter plane to being a astronaut and from being a doctor to a computer engineer, women have proved that they are capable of handling every task as good as men. There are many countries which have been or being ruled by women. Benazir Bhutto, Khalida Zia, Sheikh Hasina Wajid, Angela Merkel (German Chancellor), Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (Executive President Argentina), Dilma Vana Rousseff (President Brazil), Atifete Jahjaga (President Kosovo), Helle Thorning Schmidt (Prime Minister Denmark), Erna Solberg (Prime Minister Norway) are among millions of women who are ruling countries, heading large firms and organizations with excellence.

Erdogan is also against giving women the right to have a say in family planning matters. While there is no doubt that perhaps after prophet-hood, the most glorious status to achieve is motherhood, but this should not be considered as an excuse to deny women the right to decide when to start a family or the number of kids they should have. Allah has made humans "The greatest of all creations", this means humans are supposed to think rationally, therefore family planning should be taken seriously and women should be allowed to make the final decision in this regard. It is all the more important in countries like ours where men do not consider the health of women before going ahead with starting a family or expanding it. Every baby which comes into this world should be a sign of love and respect, there cant be a greater disrespect to humanity than an "Unwanted Baby".

We are not living in medieval times, deep in their hearts all men know that they are nothing without women, same is the case with women. Gone are the days when men could suppress women, the modern woman is aware of her rights and treats love and respect on reciprocal basis, therefore men, Muslim men in particular should learn from the teachings of Islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH) and should refrain from senseless conservative views being propagated by Erdogan. gender equality