Pakistani Bloggers

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Ramblings of a Loner My Random Ramblings

I started this Blog a couple of years back to write about things that mattered to me, whether big or small. My Blog is about anything and everything that has forced me to take the pen (read keyboard).


You are sure to find my raves and rants, book reviews, stuff about technology, Android, guns, my not so perfect gun restoration efforts, the places I have visited, funny articles, basically these are my ramblings.

Actually I tend to ramble a lot, so instead of making noise I prefer to use the Internet to vent my feelings (good or bad). Being a foodie, I love to write about the restaurants and eateries that I visit.

You are sure to find Road Poetry on this Blog some of which you might find amusing. You will find one odd movie review and other creative stuff here. It gives me a lot of pleasure when I get comments on my posts. I just love to Blog.