Pakistani Bloggers

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Ramblings of a Loner

Nauman Afzal

My Random Ramblings I started this Blog a couple of years back to write about things that mattered to me, whether big or small. My Blog is about anything and everything that has forced me to take the pen (read keyboard). // You are ...

Dhol Sipahi

Neman Malik

My name is Neman Malik. I am a Police Constable and author of DholSipahi blog. // I have launched this blog for various reasons including: 1- Autobiography, to narrate incidents in my life as they occurred. Explaining flaws, regrets and sentiments. I guess I ...

A Philosophy Student's Blog

Hadeel Naeem

Ramble Focus Ramble I am a student of Philosophy in Lahore, Pakistan. I blog about philosophy mainly and sometimes about Pakistan; our social issues, rights for women, our education system and a lot more. // Apart from rambling I like to create ...

Randomly Abstract

Maria Imran

Randomly Abstract' is exactly as the name suggests! I write poems, fiction, stories, and all other random and abstract stuff that adds infinite colors into my life. // I am a Pakistani blogger, and this is clear in my blogs for they contain detail ...

Vanishing from the World


I Vanish Here I blog at I vanish here. Yes, I vanish in words, in phrases, in sentences, I vanish. To run away from the miseries of life, I take help of beautiful words and I vanish into them. // Words take me to ...

Peachy Pout

Naimal Hammad

I am a freelance make-up artist. I do this because I thoroughly love makeup and love how it can completely change the way a person looks. My beauty blog is called: // I sure hope to be a professional MUA one day. I intend to learn ...

Questionable Memoirs


Hi, I'm Usman from Islamabad, Pakistan. On my blog, The Questionable Memoirs, I write about human and individual rights issues on my blog: // I provide a unique perspective on why this country is going to the dogs and how I see things being ...

Goll Gappay

Noorulain Noor

Goll Gappay - Little Matters That Matter I am interested in exploring everyday matters of significance in my blog posts. I write about poetry, books, parenting, history, and most importantly, the immigrant experience. // A lot of my writing is centered on the theme ...

Fakiha Hassan Rizvi's Blog

Fakiha Hassan Rizvi

I am a student of B.Sc (Hons) Communication Studies. My area of interest embraces communication research, international politics and in line with these two, I am inclined towards political and international communication as well. // 'A girl who wants to use the pen as her sword ...

Clinical Hammer

Khalid Farooq

I am a medical graduate and a doctorate student in neuroscience in France. My blog is about my interests other than studies. // I write about politics and daily life issues. I like to express my ideas with the online community in general and Pakistanis in ...


Ruhina Hashmi

ElZaA - my place to be, with my recipes, thoughts and family. I started ElZaA because I wanted to share myself with my family. I've named it after my children.. and their names. // For me, cooking is an expression of love. For the ...

Skeptic Life

Imran B

Blog is all about Pakistan, Pakistanis, culture, society, arts, music and much more. Focus is to share alternate view point and different narrative. World politics and history is core interest. // Blog also focuses on powerful graphical relationship with post. Skeptic Life ...

Deep Purple and Blue

Samia Osayed

Deep Purple & Blue is all about fascinating interiors, decor, fabrics, DIY and tips and techniques of decorating. // It aims at bringing endless inspiration, beautiful images, design icons, various eras of design as well as tit bits from my life and ventures all in one ...

Random Ramblings


I have a love for words ever since I started to read books, though I never thought that I'd be a writer. // But when I decided to become a journalist, I somehow rediscovered my passion for words. And I realized that I write because it's ...

And We Shout

Mahvish Tahira

My Secret Little Diary Hello everyone, This is Mishi from Lahore and this is my Blog. Educated, Unemployed, Single and Couch Potato... what a chaos na! So I ended up Blogging which am loving a lot... as I always wanted to write. // ...