Pakistani Bloggers

The Best of Pakistani Blogging

This is now an archived post on Pakistani Bloggers. Please visit Guest Posts or Promo Posts to participate in all the latest from the community!

Read This First: To Add New Blogs & Rules of Membership
Author: Admin
Adding Your Blog to Pakistani Bloggers


  1. Member Blogs section is for introducing your blog websites ONLY. To write a post, visit Guest Posts.

  2. We receive many blogs applying to be listed here as a member. However, we do not accept every blog. If your blog does not appear under Member Blogs within a few weeks after submitting, please do not re-apply.


Please read the following instructions to add your blog and agree to the terms to avoid having your blog not approved or removed:
  • Keep Pakistani Bloggers Badge on your blog clearly. Crawler verifies membership regularly and removes a blog without badge! Once removed, the blog is not accepted again! See below for how to paste the badge on your blog.

  • Introduce your blog by using the button "Introduce Your Blog" given below. ONLY submit a blog which has more than 25 original written posts and is more than 3 months old

  • Do not write just the URL in intro (spam), write something original about your blog as if you're introducing it to an audience (be creative: Write intro well, intelligibly and properly spell-checked, don't copy-paste from your blog.) The more you write the better your topic's ranking and increased traffic to your blog.

  • Do not re-introduce an already introduced blog. To change/update your blog's information (new url or intro), reply to your intro using comments with any new info, or by contacting us directly.

  • Specify your location in your member profile for readers to know where you blog from (eg, city - or country if you're outside Pakistan.)

  • Read and agree to these terms; the Fineprint below; and acknowledge various technical details/requirements as discussed in the Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Do not submit a blog that has excessive duplicate/copy-paste content from other websites, or has little content related to Pakistan or Pakistanis, or contains little original material, or contains spam-type or ads-like junk posts, or contains hate material, or is not publicly available, or is a copycat blog, or adds little or no relevant value to our blog collection.

  • We reserve the right not to approve or accept, or to remove a listed blog from our list any time without assigning any reason or notice.

  • In accordance with changing conditions and requirements, we modify our terms occasionally, and may apply those to all new and existing blogs. Due to technical limitations with character sets, we primarily accept blogs in English language only. We may edit, modify or remove any post without assigning any reason. Zero Spam Tolerance: Even slight suspicion of spam by any user results in user's account deletion and privileges revoked. If you wish to remove your blog from this list, please send us an email and your blog/account will be permanently deleted. A removed membership/blog is not accepted again unless exclusively determined case-specifically.

To Display Pakistani Bloggers Badge on your blog:

Copy and paste the following html code in your blog's template (Blogspot help, Wordpress help)

<!-- Begin PakistaniBloggers code -->
<a href="//" title="Pakistani Bloggers">
<img src="//" alt="Pakistani Bloggers" border="0" />
<!-- End PakistaniBloggers code -->

To contact, write to: . Please carefully read the Frequently Asked Questions before emailing! We cannot guarantee a response to all queries. That is why we update our FAQ section, in response to repeated queries on similar issues. Before emailing, please go through this post and FAQs which may already contain information you require.