Guest Posts
A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.New Year 2013 Resolutions
Akbar Ali Khaliqdina
New Year resolutions seem to be hottest topic on minds of people and I felt not be left behind (Ooo I am trendy) but before making resolutions here are few things on my mind: 1- I am protected by cops who use flashing sirens of new cars for ...
A Nation of Shouting People
Akbar Ali Khaliqdina
It is not new on blogs and newspapers to see people showing concern for their country's grave situation. It is also not new for us to adjust to violence which has erupted over the time and caused harm to Pakistan's image. Parts of Sindh are still wretched due ...
Are Non-Resident Pakistanis Loyal?
Ahmed Baig
The dilemma of resident Pakistanis being more loyal to their country than non resident Pakistanis seems to be going on forever. It has become so authoritative that it has even breached our assemblies. Already enough has been said and written on the issue, but we don't seem to ...
Personal favouritism at Karachi Chamber of Commerce
Amin Orient
i have been the member of Karachi chamber of commerce since last many years. i find this is type of club of rich people who want to spend wealth to increase wealth and personal contacts with government officers and office holder of public positions.if some one study the ...
Nation of Confused Ethics
The thoughts I am going to share are strictly my personal ideas. I only want to share the vision about this country. What can be done and what we should not be doing. The change is not a thing or a commodity that Government or Political parties will provide us. ...
Is IDEAS Arms for Peace Really Worth It?
Akbar Ali Khaliqdina
Ideas 2012 - Arms for Peace became the news for people around the city to talk about along with some 50 people killed in the city during the 5 days of the exhibition. Many would remember the event as a great experience and other who could not get in, would ...
Pakistan's Stupid Media
Kamran Afzal
Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or sense. It may be innate, assumed, or reactive - "being 'stupid with grief' as a defence against psychological trauma", a state marked with "grief and despair... making even simple daily tasks a hardship." One of the ...
The Taliban are Cowards
Edward Emmel
Taliban shooting a 14 yr old girl. What kind of cowards are they. I salute this brave girl. The Taliban is afraid to fight a man hand to hand. They use weapons and hurt children and woman. They are afraid of real men. Allah would spit ...
Girls will be Girls
Muhammad Awaid
If you are a guy who is just starting a career and you are reading this article, then I assure you that your life is about to change my friend. I will try my best to align you with a path which will lead you to a successful career. So ...
Spending little on health
Irfan Nawaz
People will only go to the doctor when they have tried all the self medications and a few tricks from their Hakeem and the disease is at its final stage. Then they expect miracles from their doctors. "My God that's too much" was the response of my patient ...
Pharmacy Price Scams
Irfan Nawaz
Usually I try to prescribe locally made cheaper drugs to my poor patients so that instead of no medicine at all, they at least get some kind of treatment. One such patient of mine called me yesterday from a local pharmacy saying that his medicine was not available ...
Cannibalism - Our Future!
Sanwal Malik
For last forty-eight hours, I lived my life in presence of no human being. It might result in two ways either short term mental disorder or engage me into certain new ideas. Well generally I am quite a lazy person and having no physical activity during that time ...
Unncessary Lab Tests Ordered by Doctors
Irfan Nawaz
I have recently started practising medicine in Pakistan and I was surprised at a comment made by one of my patients. He asked me why did I not order a bunch of lab tests and x-rays for his neck pain. I explained to him that he did not ...
Abusing healthcare for the poor
Irfan Nawaz
I have recently returned from abroad and noticed the shocking state of health care in Pakistan. During my recent visit to PIMS Islamabad to see a doctor friend, I noticed people from all walks of life trying to get free health care supposedly reserved by the government for ...
Say No to Internet Censorship in Pakistan
Pakistan's Ministry of Information Technology is attempting to further restrict freedom of expression, creativity and peaceful thought on the Internet. The Ministry's bigoted, self-righteous reasoning is the usual smokescreen issues like blasphemy, pornography, etc. These are misguided and idiotic efforts of some holier-than-thou, self-appointed guardians who ...