Pakistani Bloggers

The Best of Pakistani Blogging

Guest Posts

A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.

Pakistani Mangoes in America

Feroz Khan

Mangoes are one of the well-kept secrets of the India/Pakistan region. You can also buy mangoes here but they are of poor quality compared to those back home. If there is one thing that makes hot summers bearable in Pakistan, it is mangoes. The mango season starts in ...

True colours of a fashion designer

Ayesha M

In today's fast moving economy, all individuals seem to be subjugated to an overzealous game theory. When the end result is only the bank balance, clearly the rules of the game do not matter and it becomes the purest display of "survival of the fittest". For many, this ...

Equality for Pakistani Wives?

Noor Ahmed

Having studied for five years abroad, one of my male friend was eager to put right to the 'social injustices' done to women in Pakistan. He married out of his family, a crime in itself, as his family did not marry outside their cast. He saw this tradition ...

Sacha Cohen's Dictator & Our Dear Leaders

Mohammad Jawad

Sacha Baron Cohen (better known as Borat) is at it again. This time the comic genius promises to enlighten us about the subtle workings of our many Sheikhdoms, Kingdoms, "Jamahiriyas" and Jamhuuriyas - some Islamic and some not so Islamic. The film is called "The Dictator" and the rumour has ...

NGOs Mistreating Their Employees

Dev Guru

NGOs or Civil society organizations in Pakistan are considered symbol of progressive attitudes, liberalism and a resisting factor to capitalist business approaches. In terms of employment, people in these organizations are considered high salaried, enjoy better working environment with lots of rights and benefits but the true picture seldom appears ...

Joining a Committee

Feroz Khan

While I was in Seattle, WA, early morning around 8:30, my cell phone rang. I was actually up and I looked at the phone and it was a call from a Michigan phone number. I quickly picked it up and the call was from Rubeena, a friend of my wife ...

Maya Khan and the Size of My Bermuda Shorts

Saad Shah

The streets of Pakistan abound with informal, but highly effective moral policing, enforced by a snide comment here, a leery look there. And to those who think it applies only to women (well, it does mostly), think again. The amount of times I was told not to wear shorts! Not ...

Lies and Legacy of Zardari & Gilani

Mani Devaj

It is the general belief amongst the people of Pakistan that Asif Ali Zardari is a corrupt politician whose rise to Presidential power has witnessed the ascent of corruption to new heights. Long after he is swept from power people will remember him as the worst thing that ...

Why I Wanted to Leave Pakistan

Awais Rehman

The main reason why I always wanted to leave Pakistan was that I didn't like the way daily life moved. In Fact, I was trying to find excuses to speak bad things. I was a famous unpatriotic person among my friends. I used to get annoyed by the honking bikes ...

Why is Pakistani Embassy in Malaysia Locked for Pakistanis?

Awais Rehman

It is really disappointing to know that a Malaysian Pakistani Citizen doesn't have right to meet or talk to the officials. I don't understand the idea of having our own embassy and not having access inside. This has been a major issue to consult with governing authorities when ...

Developing reading habits

Faheem Khalid

One of my office colleagues father was a renowned Neuro-surgeon of USA, I asked her to explain the qualities he had, which separated him from the rest, she quickly named one and that was "reading". She told me that her father was from a humble background and he ...

Swat - The Jewel of Pakistan

Madiha Ahmed

All we ever hear about Swat these days is in negative words. In fact, all we ever hear about the country is in the negative. Me? I'm tired of it. But what can I do? I'm sure you'll agree that only thinking positive or writing a blog post ...

We are Motivated to Hate Each Other

S Maz

It's the truth. We often say this phrase to support our comments that what we say is the truth and right. We do not care about the circumstances and situations which may be the after effect of our comments about certain issue. We do not care if some ...

Pakistan's Pseudo Pride

Awaid Abid

Born to a family that migrated on a train's roof top I was brought up in an environment of patriotism and in the echoes of the tales of heroism. I was told it was a matter of great pride to be born on this green holy land. This ...

Let's start tolerating


Opinions, opinions, opinions! We all seem to be literally teeming with opinions nowadays, opinions about what to believe, how to act, etc. and oddly enough these opinions seem to be for everyone except ourselves. So it is in that very spirit of interest that I now ...