Pakistani Bloggers

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Guest Posts

A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.

Pak Election - River of Freedom reaches the Sea of Betrayal


Musharraf's party was routed at the polls. An apparent manifestation of a sea of change sweeping the world and a confirmation of a reversal of the trend that swept the world when religious parties dominated: Christian Fundamentalist helping Bush, Islamist gaining power in Pakistan, BJP dominating India and ...

True Democracy and Desi Justice

Muhammad Khan

Funny isn't it that our elite class want democracy but at the same time want to be the untouchables of the society. Maybe they don't understand what democracy stands for. Time and again they have corrupted themselves used the very law enforcing agencies that were created to serve ...

Saving their own skins - things never change in Pakistan

Mohammed Shahid

This is an exert from an article in the Nation news web site published today Sources added that the package would also support the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) and ensure that it could not be challenged in any court. The NRO introduced by Musharraf provided amnesty to assassinated ...

So now Zardari is Whiter than White!

Mohammed Shahid

I just cannot comprehend how these people live with themselves, they will do anything in pursuit of power and money all in the name of 'serving the masses'. How can anyone believe Mr Zardari, who, to take a point in note, always denied ever having owed any estate ...


Abdul Basit Khawaja

It is upsetting to see in newspapers and on tv about the false way of illuminating the election vote count by the Pro-Musharraf forces. The spin doctors, such as Pervez Elahi and Mushaid Hussain are trying to prove that the country is divided on the Musharraf issue and that he ...

So Nawaz Sharif is Now a Champion of the Judiciary

Mohammed Shahid

So Nawaz Sharif now proclaims to be a champion of the Judiciary. Can someone please explain to him the hypocrisy of his stance? Back on 28th November 1997, didn�t he orchestrate an attack on the Supreme Court of Pakistan using the thugs from within his party? Why �because ...

Why the world hates us so much?


I visited this forum on net and all people were bashing us Pakistanis? And its common on usual forums I come across. I want to ask Pakistanis who live in countries dominated by whites, do they call us so bad there actually? If so ...

Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly ?

Danish Iqbal Mahar

Terrorism may be defined as " a unlawful act by a single person or by a organized group of people against any person or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing." Keeping an eye over the above given definition can we say as "Terrorism is monopoly of ...

Political Environment In Pakistan


After our great leader Quaid-e-Azam I am very worried about political environment. After 1998 environment totally changed when President Pervaiz Musharraf Take charge as a leader of Pakistan. He changed the leading rules people were happy but by the time passing as quote in urdu, political ...

Who Owns Pakistan?

Riaz Haq

The airwaves, the print media and the Internet are now filled with commentary, praise, criticism, hyperbole and punditry after the tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto. To put this tragedy in perspective, I decided to read and review a book titled "Who Owns Pakistan?" by Mr. Shahid-ur-Rahman published in ...

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari


Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, a political tactic or a smart move. What do we know about Bilawal? How is everybody so sure he will be the right person to understand common people�s problem. As a kid he has lived most of his life abroad. Agreed he has Political-Pro�s surrounding ...

What are your thoughts on Benazir Bhutto's assassination?


First of all my heart goes out to Bhutto family, May Allah give them peace and courage to go through this ordeal. A sad event this is indeed, a great leader to some, an inspiration to others and for some Benazir Bhutto was an icon, a deacon of ...

An open letter from an ignorant, but caring American


I will be the first to admit I know very little about life in Pakistan. I have never been there. From my warm, safe, peaceful home in a New England suburb the chaos being reported following the assassination of Ms. Bhutto is a miserable thing to observe. Regardless ...

Pakistan IS ready for democracy!

Mohammed Khan

Some have argued that Pakistan is not yet ready for democracy. the argument goes that we are not fit to govern ourselves, and that only after a period of 'civilization' under the rule of a so-called enlightened despot will we emerge as worthy of political freedoms. This, I ...

Pakistan (Islamic Law or English Law)

Muhammad Khan

Pakistan is an Islamic country and the law that governs it, is an extraction of English Law now known as the Pakistan Penal Code (P.P.C). Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah, His attributes, belief in the Angels, the Holy books and the Messengers, the Day of Judgement, ...