Pakistani Bloggers

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Guest Posts

A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.

Gandhara Myths and Pakistan Floods

Babar Hussain

This is a story that used to be popular among the people of Gandhara valley. Was it the dragon in 2010 that brought the floods? Once a upon a time during the 9th century AD in Udyana (modern-day Swat, Pakistan) there was a Buddhism tribe that were very ...

Theft and Apology at Islamabad Airport

Saad Hafeez

I am what is known as an "Overseas Pakistani" in our country. This write up is about a visit I made to Pakistan recently, and when I say recently I mean in the summer last year. Over the course of my holiday I experienced a whole range of ...

Pakistanis don't fear chickens

Taqi Abbas

Peter Sandman, a self-described "risk communication consultant" in Princeton, New Jersey in 2004 published his "control principle". He made this point after a single case of mad-cow disease in United States prompted an anti beef panic. "The basic reality is that the risks that scare people and the risks that ...

No Unity Amongst Pakistanis

Saad Hafeez

Why is it that we Pakistanis don't take any notice whatsoever about a certain thing or event unless it concerns us? There are bomb blasts in our country nearly everyday, but does it make any difference to us? We watch the breaking news on TV channels everyday, that ...

Hate Speech, Mullahs and the Pakistani Public

Masood Raja

While we all have responded in different ways to the recent murders of Salman Taseer and Shahbaz Bhatti, we also need to push for the regulation, definition, and prosecution of hate-speech so freely aired by the mullahs. In a recent set of Friday sermons recorded by activists associated ...

Why are Lawn Dresses so Expensive?

Sam F

It is so disappointing to see that the simple lawn dress that all the classes could afford has now become a fashion symbol! You wear it to show off! just simple show off! I am amazed at the speed of the women purchasing it. exhibitions are ...

Image of Pakistan

Taqi Abbas

Everything is associated with an image, by which it is known through. It is common known knowledge, that we usually don't see a thing be it man or a picture for what it is but rather for what its image shows. For example, in a party people tend ...

The Indianization of Pakistani Advertising and Marketing

Syed Mohsin

If we consider Pakistan a brand/company or organization which has several products, services and brands extensions under it; from healthcare to hygiene products, fast moving consumer goods to telecommunication products, news channels to press, footwear and everything that you see, which is selling in under the umbrella of Pakistan. ...

Major Change is Needed

Tahir Hamid

It's funny when I see young mothers conversing with a newly born baby or a slightly older one in English. It becomes cheesier when you find the elite class hiring Filipino maids. Many mothers in the elite classes are perhaps lost too much in shopping, fashion and in parties. They ...

The Undo in Life

Syed Mohsin

Drawn a wrong line... Undo. Ctrl + Z. Used a wrong colour, Undo it! Ctrl + z. Spelling mistakes, wrong keystrokes.. Anything... Well almost, can be undone in the Virtual or e-world. the computer world in which we are living in. Whether we are writing a letter or ...

Pakistani Women's Muffled Cries


Tears trickled down her cheeks and trembled down her jaw line. She slumped against a wall, recollecting the agonies inflicted upon her. Outside, the calming moon was pouring tranquillity to every creature scrambling in green moss and heather. Everyone was calm except Mukhtaran Mai. She glanced at her ...

The Story of Queen Victoria and Abdul Karim

Taha Kehar

Shrabani Basu's Victoria and Abdul: The True story of the Queen's closest confidant is a pragmatic record of historical events. There is a limited attempt at pre-judging circumstances or exaggerating the connotations of the incidents narrated. In fact, this detailed account is arguably one of the most objective appraisals of ...

Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan


In 2006, Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) conducted a study which showed chilling results: 80% of rural and 50% of all urban married women are regularly abused by their husbands. Back in 1999, Human Rights Watch concluded that 90% of the country's women were being abused. Though ...

We are more helpful when we see others helping

Amber Khan

I had to visit my university recently, and I opted to use my usual method: the bus. But there is a problem with my usual bus route. It is normally crowded and by the time the bus gets to my stop, it is filled up, and you have ...

Anatomy of Desi (Pakistani) Weddings

Syeda Abida Bokhari

The "types" that are found in Desi (Pakistani) Weddings. The front sofa sitters They are basically comprised of the most influential people of the family. Well they can solve issues ranging from Kashmir dispute to subvert Talibinization to National Health Care Program for the US to ...