Guest Posts
A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.Intolerance is the water given to our future plants
Being a Pakistani or perhaps a Lahori, the first thing that comes to ones mind upon hearing the word "elite" are the Taseer's or the Tareen's. And then follows the disgusted, vicious and fierce head shake. While we all know that Pakistan's elite class isn't ambling on the ...
Living the Dead
Zainab Abdullah
Inspiration Do we need inspiration? I think inspiration is needed.Motivation is bought when you are inspired.I was listening to this inspirational speaker who said time is the only commodity you can give someone and still not know if you have become richer or poorer. He said if I have $100. ...
It's time for Pakistan People's Party to stop being a party of landlords, godfathers and agents
I think PPP still has power to change the form and shape of towns in Sindh. Being a largest party, roots in masses and with no opposition forces or parties PPP still lacks the morality, credibility and real support in Sindh. This is not just a cry but a fact ...
Life Monopoly
Haider Zulfiqar
I am probably sitting at the most luxurious place on Earth I can be with my legs fully stretched, back resting against the pillow, fingers tipped to the Laptop; with some snacks placed on my ...
Nuclear weapons - Common threat to both Pakistan & India's existence
Salman Kasi
Backpacking extensively across Pakistan has helped me develop a knack for looking at the bigger picture and there is nothing that poses a bigger threat to our very existence than nuclear weapons. Pakistan and India today are two of the most hostile nuclear weapon states and the possibility of ...
Women's ignorance of their rights is a tragedy for all
Yesterday, while watching TV, I came across shocking news on a news channel. A man was murdered by his wife, leaving his two kids as orphans and they were being interviewed by the media personnel “very empathetically”. Those little twinkling eyes that weren’t even aware of the meaning ...
The Relativity
"Why some of the stars are brighter than the others?" She was looking towards the sky."It's all about your perception." The voice said."But my perception depends on the distance between me and stars." She was standing on a hilltop in seemingly secluded place"Exactly; it is a possibility that a star ...
We are All Hypocrites: Every Day Should be Treated Like Earth Day!
Muhammad Saad Iqbal
It was like something out of a movie. The small boy sat, gazing in awe at the numerous sign boards and infographics that littered the main streets of Karachi City. What did it all mean? \'Earth Day\' was what they called it. The multiple events and functions that hailed this ...
In Islamic Pakistan, Minorities' Blood is Worthless
Ali Arsalan
Friday is always considered an important day for Muslims. Markets close soon, Offices give longer break, Institutions terminate their procedures early, so the Muslims of the Nation can offer their prayer and we consider such privileges as the perk of being in the Muslim country.But my sinking heart posed ...
Being a Young Single Mother
Rabia Nisar
Being a single mother at young age does not actually close every door of opportunity, rather opens enormous ways to get a start again. But alas, these ways are mostly compromises, to again suffer in this men\'s world. If she marries again, she has to compromise with new husband ...
We Should Stop Portraying Women as Weak and Start Teaching Men How to Behave
Humans have evolved and excelled through different stages, formed clans, tribes, city states and nation states. Certain norms, values and practices kept them distinctive from each other. These norms and values formed the basis of culture. That culture being shared by people living in a certain geographical locality and ...
The Legacy
It was raining for the last couple of days just like a typical monsoon spell. The placid atmosphere of the city had turned serene in the late hours of the day. The cemented highway surrounded by thriving green trees was humbly absorbing the down pour. The traffic was bleak and ...
Making Hepatitis C treatment more affordable
Saad Ahmed
Hepatitis C is a liver ailment, which is caused by the Hepatitis C virus. The virus can impact on both chronic, and acute infection of hepatitis. The disease ranges in severity from low illness to days of serious, and lifetime illness. The hepatitis is a virus, which is blood borne, ...
Bad Morning TV Shows Spreading Harmful & Outrageous Health Advice!
Steroids advised for beautiful hair in a morning show Morning shows have always been in some controversy, whether it is due to blasphemy issue or some celebrity controversial interview. A lot of Pakistani housewives still watch their favourite morning shows as most of the time they provide nice entertainment. ...
Pakistan - A Nuclear State without Electricity
Meesum Raza
Pakistan and its troubles are well documented . A nuclear state incapable of providing security or uninterrupted supply of basic necessities of life like water and electricity to its citizens . It is estimated that almost 70% of the country\'s population is in the age group of 0-30 ...